on dört

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"we should do the challenge" mumbling, you finally push seishiro away from you. he starts to pout and tries to pull you towards him, but you persist.

somehow you feel strange, not uncomfortable, but strange — as if something is not right at all and you have closed your eyes so as not to notice it.

it's time to come home from this trip and have time to think about everything.

"are you okay, baby? you're so quiet and introverted" he asks after a short while, as you sit together on a high seat, since you have to complete your challenge there.

"huh? oh, no, it's all good" you try to talk your way out of it, failing miserably.

raising an eyebrow he looks at you with an amused expression; he's got you all figured out. casually, he lowers his arm on your shoulder and pulls you a little closer to him, almost forcing your head to rest on his shoulder.

"i know you're worried about us. you're afraid i'm going to hurt you or take advantage of you because i've always been like this. it's hard to prove to you that i'm serious, but i'll keep trying and hope you'll believe me soon," he lies, amazed at his acting skills himself.

when did he become so talented, he thinks to himself.

smiling, you kind of wrap your arms around him and that's how you end up on his lap with your face relaxed in the crook of his neck.

seishiro hates that he gets goosebumps whenever you exhale, as he prefers not to show any reaction.

"i want you to tell me that you love me, princess," he whispers, gently combing his fingers through your soft hair. he knows he's going for anything, but is almost completely sure you'll say the three words at any moment.

"i love you" you breathe into his ear, pressing a sweet kiss to his cheek.

the white haired guides your head so that you look him in the eyes again. he has a sweet smile on his lips and then unites them with yours that you didn't notice how he didn't return your 'i love you' at all.

"are we seriously lost now?" you ask half an hour later, annoyed and tired. your legs feel like cement and your feet hurt because you got a blister on your heel from your sneakers, which were certainly the wrong choice.

"come" he suddenly says and squats down in front of you.

you hesitate, but don't think about it for long, until you finally climb carefully onto his back. he places his hands under your thighs and stands up straight again with a jerk so you run, as best you can, back to camp until, after what feels like hours and kilometers and have finally made it.

it seems that most of them are already back, as they're all already sitting and eating in the meeting room.

then you notice how mrs. park and mr. choi hurriedly approach you.

"where have you guys been? are you okay y/n?" asks your teacher, who thinks something happened when she sees seishiro carrying you piggyback.

carefully, he puts you down and smiles at you briefly.

"yes, everything is okay. we just got a little lost on the way back and seishiro carried me the rest of the way because i got a blister from walking" you explain to your teacher, who sighs in relief and nods.

mr. choi, on the other hand, is surprised that seishiro helped you. he has known him for a few years now, but has never seen him help anyone or be helpful in any other way.

"well, then, go join the others" ms. park dismisses you whereupon you hurry into the hall.

hastily, you pick up your plate and sit down at an empty table. not too long after, and reo joins you.

in confusion you look at him as you notice him looking at seishiro. reo looks to you, his smile widening before he winks pertly at you, refocuses on his food while you can barely hide the hotness on your cheeks.

back in your and mai's hut, you lie in your beds, ready for bed. tomorrow you would leave at noon, which is why you only have breakfast in the morning and then you have to pack. and even though yumeko wasn't there, you've really enjoyed it so far.

"do you think i should tell yumeko that i'm with seishiro?" you ask mai, who looks at you thoughtfully.

"i think so. i mean, she's your best friend and should know. while everyone knows how much she hates seishiro and reo, she's not going to rip your head off," she giggles, then yawns + pulls the covers up a little higher. "by the way, i saw seishiro and reo swapping. actually, the woman was pointing at reo earlier, but seishiro just walked forward. i think she just didn't say anything because they were standing so close to each other. i guess he's really doing everything he can to be closer to you."


"24, 25", your teacher counts and already you go into the bus, which has already been taken by the other class.

you wrinkle your nose — it's already way too crowded for you on this bus, plus it's already incredibly loud and the air is starting to get stuffy.

you're so glad when you can finally lie in your bed at home.

"y/n" you hear a voice that is now all too familiar, and you immediately look in that direction.

seishiro is sitting alone and has apparently kept the place next to him free to give it to you.

uncertainly, you look back.

mai and you had said you would sit together and you don't want to turn her down, just as much as you want to take the chance and sit next to seishiro.

"go ahead and sit with him. i'll sit next to hyoma" she grins at you honestly, which you return with a grateful smile.

"thank you" you whisper softly before sitting down next to the white haired.

"hey baby" he greets you as this is the first time you've actually spoken to each other today.

the morning was pretty stressful and you all had to deal with packing and so there was no time to meet secretly.

"hey" you smile at him, but quickly turn your head away when he tries to connect his lips with yours, so he hits your cheek instead.

you look at him with played pity as he starts to pout.


"i need your kiss or i won't make it through the day" he whines, but you just put your index finger over his mouth to finally shut him up.

"seishiro, stop it. if the teachers see this or the others here" you grumble while pushing his face away as he tries his luck again.

"so what? let them see it. let everyone know that you're mine," he grins, then manages to place a small kiss on your lips. "oh yeah, i wanted to ask you about that. on saturday, reo is having a party at his house. it would be cool if you come too" he invites you and you immediately think back to your first party at his house.

"sure, why not?" you agree, not seeing him look a little behind to exchange a wink with reo, who is sitting a few rows behind you with barou, a student from their class.

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