on iki

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"y/n.." a voice interrupts you as you walk out of the communal house with mai and hyoma because lunch is over.

seishiro puts his hand almost roughly around your wrist and pulls you slightly away from your two friends, who look at the whole thing in confusion.

immediately when hyoma sees the white haired holding you, he wants to go after him, but you just smile and go along with seishiro, who throws a nasty grin in hyoma's direction as he walks away with you.

so, seishiro has long since figured out that hyoma must have found out about the bet somehow, since he doesn't usually get involved in such things. he's just not exactly sure when he heard about it and how much he knows — to be honest, it doesn't matter, as long as he doesn't destroy what he has built up.

seishiro going to finish this bet, pocket reo's money, and take revenge on you to boot.


he pulls you even further until you arrive at the exact spot where you kissed before. he lets go of your wrist, but before you can open your mouth, he pushes you against the wall of the house.

startled, you gasp, whereupon he gives you a mischievous grin and moves his face closer to you.

"i may have forgotten to tell you something, princess," he begins, brushing a strand of hair from your face as he rests his forearm next to your head. "i hate sharing my girl with others."

your heart starts beating faster as he moves closer to you, running his soft lips over yours, but not intending to kiss you properly. you want to lean forward, finally unite your lips, but he prevents you from doing so by pressing you even more against the wall with his body, until surely no leaf fits between you and you have no chance to move even a centimeter.

"tell me you're mine and i'll give you what you want," he whispers, teasing you by letting his lips brush yours again.

you go wide-eyed, not knowing where to put yourself and your overwhelmed feelings. but you act faster than you think.

"don't worry, i am" you breathe and immediately seishiro presses his lips on yours and releases you from your torment.

minutes pass and you still can't get away from each other. seishiro grins into the kiss, enjoying the situation way too much; but maybe it's because you're so abnormally naive and don't notice how he's taking advantage of you.

slowly, you break away from each other. you struggle for breath, but seishiro still doesn't let go of you and continues to run over your sides. "i'll never get enough of you, y/n" he surprisingly pulls you into his arms and gently runs his fingers through your hair.

some time passes — it feels like it's only a few seconds and you don't want the moment to pass.

but every beautiful moment passes sometime, you should remember that.

"we should go before someone catches us or looks for us" he grins, pressing another small kiss on your forehead, then finally lets you go.

smiling + your cheeks slightly hot from the whole situation, your legs still wobbly.

with one last look you turn around, intending to finally escape his clutches, but suddenly you feel his hand around your wrist again, pulling you back with force and you stumble back into seishiro's arms.

"and one more thing, babe," he murmurs, close to your ear. "i don't want you talking to him again, is that clear?" you know right away that he means hyoma.

but can you really ignore him?

just for seishiro?

seishiro sees that you're struggling with yourself, but grins as you devotedly lower your head and nod.

what the hell is wrong with you?

why are you letting him control you like this?

you don't know yourself, but what you do know is that nagi seishiro is everything you want.

"that's my good girl" he says, before disappearing as usual.

shocked, you stand there, needing to calm down a bit, until you make your way to your and mai's hut.

"where were you?" she asks, quite serious by her standards.

"i was with seishiro" you answer and see her sigh slightly in exasperation.

"y/n, hyoma told me something. i don't want to get between you two and i don't know if it's true and hyoma doesn't know either, but i just have to warn you because you're my friend," she begins, so you take a seat next to her on her bed, slightly nervous. "hyoma overheard a conversation between seishiro and reo,"

"okay? what was it about?" you start nervously nibbling on your lower lip, which is a bad habit of yours.

"we all know what seishiro is like, so it's kind of no wonder that he's up to something bad again. in any case, hyoma heard him say that he would be glad to be rid of you soon. he thinks he might be taking advantage of you or something," mai says while you can only look at her in shock —  you are at a loss for words, don't want to believe that he is taking advantage of you.

if he was, wouldn't he have dumped you after making out with you?

it doesn't make any sense.

why would he put up with you for so long?

"it can't be," you mutter, running your hand through your hair.

mai looks at you sympathetically and then finally takes you in her arms. "maybe it's not true at all. somehow i can't imagine that he would do something like that," she says softly whereupon you nod dejectedly.

how would you know?

you all don't know him, no one does except reo.

"but tell me this, have you fallen in love with him?" she asks suddenly, to which you choke on your own saliva.

"uh, i don't know," you stammer, looking down at your hands resting in your lap. "i think so."

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