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"hey, wait a minute!" reo calls after seishiro, who is moving toward the backyard rather than the classroom.

"what's wrong?" seishiro groans annoyed, stopping abruptly so his best friend can catch up.

"bro, i really don't want to say anything, i mean i don't really care anyway, but do you really think this is a good idea with the bet? i mean, i wasn't even serious," he walks next to him now.

immediately seishiro rolls his eyes.

since when did reo become such a pussy?

"or is it because of that yumeko girl?" he takes a cigarette out of his pocket, which he lights while still at school.

it's a miracle that he hasn't been caught yet.

"sei, you know that i don't give a shit and that yumeko is also just a number. but i don't think y/n is like the others," the purple haired says, accepting the cigarette that his best friend holds out to him.

seishiro just shrugs indifferently. "fuck it. she'll spread her legs for me like every other bitch at our school and cry when i dump her. it just takes her more time and effort than others. but i'll also hurt her more than the others," he says, and from then on the topic is dead for him.

"what the hell was that?" yumeko asks in the meantime, looking just as shocked as you do. "i-i have no idea," you're wiping your sweaty hands on the skirt of your school uniform. "i don't know what got into him. i thought he was going to make my life a living hell, but apparently not," you say, laughing inwardly at your ridiculous fear.

"y/n, wait a minute. you already know that this isn't normal. seishiro has one hundred percent planned something. he doesn't change from one day to the next, and certainly not for a girl who has also told him off," she gets louder and louder towards the end. "in front of everyone"

you hold your hand in front of her mouth so that she falls silent. "keep it down, damn it. i don't want to draw any more attention to myself"

yumeko looks at you apologetically. sometimes she just can't control her body and her energy that well, but that's exactly why you kind of love her.

"he's planning something bad, y/n, you can't tell me anything else. so please, please stay away from him," she begs you, almost pleads with you.

you know that she's afraid, afraid that your heart will be broken again like it was with reo. she can't see you like that, could hardly stand it back then and even when she was at home she had to cry in between.

maybe that's also the reason why she hates reo and seishiro so deeply. otherwise she doesn't care about such things, but no one hurts you, her best friend.

"don't worry, yu, i'll stay away from him. i promise," you say, smiling at her encouragingly.

it's funny that you, who always keeps her promises, will break them this time.

"so, what about the party tomorrow?" she asks later when you leave the classroom together.

you weren't even thinking about that anymore, were just happy to finally have the weekend and maybe also to collect your thoughts there because seishiro was constantly buzzing around in your head.

"that's right, i didn't even think about that anymore" you slap your palm against your forehead, which makes her laugh.

"if i were you, i'd think twice about it. on the one hand, yoichi is there, and i think he'll protect you from who knows who in an emergency," she says, and you nod in agreement.

yoichi is like your big brother — always there for you, and just as protective. he's often messed with people for you, ever since you were playing in the sandbox.

that reminds you of when you were in the playground — yoichi and you were swinging and laughing, like five and six year olds do. until all of a sudden kids from the fourth grade came and made fun of your colorful dress with the little pigs on it. you immediately started crying and from that moment on yoichi burst. he couldn't do much damage because the boys outnumbered you, but when he pushed the leader backwards with tremendous force and he fell on his back, the others had a lot of respect for him.

you remember how he bought you an ice cream afterwards from his pocket money and even though he could only afford one, he didn't care that he didn't have one as long as you were happy again.

you have to smile because of the exciting and sweet memory of you and yoichi's childhood.

"on the other hand," yumeko begins, bringing you back to the here and now. "it can lead to him disappearing with someone, you being alone and him not being able to protect you, in case it's somehow a trap or something."

you don't think about it for long, are much too curious and desperately want to know who this boy is who wrote to you and is one of yoichi's new friends. "i'm going to the party, yumeko"

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