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"why did you lock the door?" you ask insecurely, not feeling comfortable that you're now all alone with seishiro and probably won't be able to get out of the room anytime soon.

"so that no drunk couple can come into my room and do their thing on my bed, if you know what i mean" you can briefly see a disgusted look on his features. "is this your first party?" asks seishiro as he calmly sits down on his bed, apparently not intending to get back at you in any way, which calms you down a bit, but maybe it's all just one of his silly ploys to make you regret everything later.

"none of your business" you venom.

seishiro can't stifle a teasing grin and you already realize that some stupid macho saying will come now. "wow, then you have a lot to talk about with your friends. i mean, your first party is one of nagi seishiro's parties and he even invited you himself," he says smugly and you're not even sure if he's just playing this or if he really thinks that much of himself.

"okay, what are you doing, seishiro? i'm not up for any one ask and the other answer game, so open the damn door and let me go!" he raises an eyebrow before that mischievous twinkle returns to his eyes.

"well, i guess you'll have to get the key, then," he winks at you, and in the next moment grabs the key in his pants — really in his pants, right on his thing and not in some pants pocket.

shocked, you look at him and have no idea what to say in response or how to react in general. no way in hell would you go up to him, grab his pants, and pull out the key.

you're not tired of living and still don't know what he is capable of and how you react to him.

"seriously, cut the crap!" you try not to show your uncertainty, but seishiro probably knows you better than you think.

his grin widens until it becomes a real smile and he laughs a little. "don't be such a prude, babe. i won't bite you and i'll be very careful with you. i promise." immediately, the hotness rises to your face.

how the hell does he know?

"how" you begin, but he interrupts you. "your cousin doesn't seem to hold his liquor very well. reo and i were able to squeeze a few things out of him about you," he laughs again, standing up, coming towards you with slow, almost threatening steps.

"why are you doing this?" you whisper as he arrives at your side, slowly steering you further and further backwards until you bump into his dresser and can go no further.

seishiro takes advantage of this to get even closer to you. his hot breath slams down on your heated cheek as he moves closer to your ear; his lips brush the sensitive skin there, causing your breath to unintentionally hitch loudly.

you feel his grin against your skin and you want to push him away from you, to scream at him and say you don't want anything from him, but you can't — because you'd be lying to yourself, wouldn't you?

his breath hits the shell of your ear and his hand settles, almost gently on your waist, pulling you closer with a jerk. his body heat and scent reach your body, leaving your legs like jello. "you interest me y/n. very much so. and i won't let you go so easily, i swear" he breathes into your ear in his smooth voice, making your legs finally give way.

is it because you've never had such intimate contact with a boy before, or is it seishiro who now has you completely wrapped around his finger?

seishiro holds you tightly, grips firmly under your legs and lifts you up — now you're sitting on his dresser, he between your legs and his face only a few milimeters away from yours.

his warm hands gently run over your thighs, then drive up and firmly grip your waist. he knows that he now has you totally wrapped around his finger and that he could get his revenge on you faster than he thought.

your opponent grins at this realization and lets his lips briefly pass over yours, noticing how you tense under his grip — his hot breath bounces against your lips and you can feel his lightly touching yours.

but he's taking his time, which may have been a mistake.

"y/n?" you hear yoichi shout, knocking on the door and trying to get in, but since the door is locked, he just jiggles it in vain.

you come to again, realize what you're doing here, or what you and seishiro almost did, so you push him away with all your strength.

"y/n? are you in there? reo told me that you went with seishiro to his room, but i want to go home. i'm sick and tired," he whines through the door, which makes you roll your eyes.

so much for him not being able to hold his liquor.

you quickly jump down from the dresser and stroke your hair and clothes. "yeah, i'm in here. just a minute," you call out, not noticing your opponent scowling behind you at the door, inwardly cursing your older cousin.

everything worked out so perfectly, but your douchebag of a cousin has to ruin everything.

seishiro is pissed, very pissed, and he would also make yoichi pay for destroying his plan and now it has to move on.

carefully, you turn to the white haired, who smiles slightly at you but is seething inside.

he might be losing it.

"seishiro, can i have the key?" you ask him meekly, a hotness showing on your cheeks.

nodding, he takes the key out of his pants in front of you, giving it. he looks deeply into your eyes, so you quickly avert your gaze and turn back to the door.

you can almost feel his mischievous grin without seeing him. he likes that you're so shy, and even though you want to stifle it, you just can't — not with him, and not with reo.

seishiro walks up to you, grazing your arm as he walks to the door and then unlocks it. immediately he opens it and holds it open so you can see yoichi, who is also looking at you.

suddenly, a dirty grin creeps onto your cousin's face, which you wish you could have knocked right off his face.

of course he believes that you and seishiro had something together, which almost happened, but you still don't want to admit it.

you look at seishiro, who already had his eyes on you. your eyes meet and immediately you leave the room, waving briefly at the white haired, who then winks at you.

no matter how normal he tries to appear, you think you see a dark glint in his eyes that gives you a weird feeling in your stomach.

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