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"yoichi, help me out here," you complain to your cousin, who is once again on instagram, texting with some girl.

"just put on something, i'm busy," he says, but you don't put up with it. you quickly snatch his cell phone from his hand and hold it out of his reach. "hey, what are you doing?" he approaches you.

"god, you promised to help me. why else did you come here? besides, you don't know this bitch and if you do, you can write to her later. i mean, i can't help it that i never get invited to parties and now i don't know what to wear and stuff," you mumble and sighing, sad already.

yoichi's annoyed expression changes immediately and he mumbles something quietly to himself before suddenly pulling you into his arms.

you hug each other quite often, but such intimate embraces happen rather rarely. in these moments, in these embraces, you feel most comfortable and protected from all evil in the world. there you feel how much your cousin loves you and how important you are to him. he will never let anyone harm a hair on your head, and if he does, those boys won't be able to produce children for long.

that's what he swore to himself.


"i'm sorry, y/n. i know i'm an asshole," he presses a kiss to the top of your head. "so now it's time to dress you up, my dear cousin. let's see what you have in your closet," he  starts rummaging through your closet.

in the end, you really don't look like the goodgirl with the pretty blouses, skirts and dresses you usually wear.

yoichi picked out a pair of black skinny jeans and a tight top for you, which shows a little too much cleavage in your eyes.

you didn't even realize you had something like this in your closet.

"well, well, now look at you. quite a hottie," he laughs, which makes you roll your eyes and smack him on the back of the head.

"are you going to drink?" you ask him a bit later when you arrive at the house where the party is taking place.

the house is nice, quite modern, but not too big either. it fits well in the street, of the somewhat richer people.

"i don't know, it depends on what's on offer. if there's only cheap beer, then you're lucky," he says and greets a couple of guys sitting in the front yard drinking stuff. "like i said, if there's anything, just find me. we can leave right now if you want," he whispers, stopping again in front of the door. "are you really sure you want to do this?" he asks again, just to be on the safe side.

without thinking, you nod and involuntarily think of the message from the host of the party.

after all, he's the reason you have to go to the party. you just want to know.

maybe he's nice.

"okay, let's do it." yoichi disappears into the crowd almost immediately, and you stand there like an idiot, not having a clue what to do now. but apparently he has done a good job with your outfit, because a few looks come from a few sides that don't seem amused by you.

you notice that you even know most of the people at the party.

now you wonder if the host even goes to your school?

"oh, sorry," you say immediately as you run into someone.

the person turns around with an angry expression, but that changes immediately when he catches sight of you.

your eyes widen as you look reo in the face.

what is he doing here of all places?

immediately, his gaze slides downward and he grins slightly, causing a hotness to rise in your cheeks.

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