on beş

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"finally" you mutter as you approach the school building.

"wow, am i that hard to take" seishiro smirks as he takes his arm off your shoulder.

"quite the opposite. you were a good pillow for me" laughing together you get off the bus.

seishiro sees from afar, the many parents who have come and rolls his eyes. he would walk home with reo, having another smoke for now. the teachers strictly searched all the huts for cigarettes, and since reo didn't expect it, everyone was brought in with a warning.

quickly, however, seishiro's lips wrap around a smile again when he sees yumeko among the many people — she came to pick you up and probably to do something with you, it seems she's off school since her bag is still on her shoulders and she's wearing her uniform.

the white haired has an evil thought in his head and even though he could risk a lot with it, he knows how much he already has you in his hand now and you would jump for him whenever he wants; you're like his little puppet, he alone is responsible for controlling you.

"i'll see you tomorrow," he pulls you dramatically romantically into a passionate kiss, doesn't give a shit that everyone is now staring at you, including your best friend.

if anything, he presses his lips even harder on yours and doesn't break away from you until you push him away because you need air.

"seishiro" you whisper, stunned, and immediately your gaze slides through the crowd and then sees that of your best friend as well. her eyes are narrowed to slits, her mouth is twisted in a straight line, and she has her arms crossed in front of her chest. she has witnessed everything, including you enjoying it fully and making no effort to push seishiro away from you in any way.

"fuck," you run towards your best friend, who turns her back to you ice cold and walks away with a quick step. "yumeko, wait, please!" you call out, but as if she doesn't hear you, she keeps running without moving.

you fucked up, and you fucked up good.

"yumeko!" you yell again, finally getting close enough to grab her forearm. you turn her around, but she immediately pulls her arm out of your hand.

if looks could kill, you'd probably be dead right now.

her gaze intimidates you, even though you know she's probably just hurt and disappointed by your actions. "please, let me explain," you ask her, but she just laughs bitterly as she shakes her head.

"what do you want to explain, y/n? i think it was clear what was going on, and if i'm not mistaken, it's probably been going on for a while," she spits, drawing her eyebrows together even more. "but fine, explain it to me."

your voice trembles as you begin to speak — you're afraid of losing her.

"i know you hate seishiro, and i'm sorry i started something with him," you begin to explain, but yumeko interrupts you.

"you think i'm mad because i hate him? god, i don't give a shit who you end up with as long as he treats you well and really loves you. but you lied to me and kept all this from me and that's why i need time. and on top of that, you don't even realize how he's taking advantage of you." she gets softer towards the end.

the next moment she turns her back on you and starts walking again while tears well up in your eyes.

you can't believe you disappointed yumeko like that.

why didn't you just tell her?

seconds later you feel an arm wrap around your middle the next moment. "is she mad?" seishiro asks you in a whisper, but you shake him off.

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