on sekiz

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"or is seishiro still there?" you ask hesitantly as rei looks at you, speechless. he would have expected anyone, even more likely yumeko to be at his door than you.

"no, he's with sak- no he's not," he stammers, letting you in.

the house is quiet, his parents are apparently not there yet, wherever they are.

"come with me" together you go into the living room. it's not particularly cold outside, but then it's so cold that your bare legs freeze.

unsure you sit down, and reo does the same.

there is a strange silence and you know that he would like to break it, but doesn't know exactly what to say himself.

reo looks at your legs and immediately realizes that you're freezing. the next moment he reaches for a light blue wool blanket, which he carefully places over your legs.

you don't thank him, but your smile is enough for him.

"would you like something to drink? a tea or something?" he stands up.

"yes, with pleasure. do you have wild berry tea?" you hope he has your favorite tea at home.

"of course, my mother is addicted to it" he laughs, and strangely enough, the unpleasant situation becomes more pleasant.

why did you run to reo?

you don't know, mainly because he's the best friend of the person who hurt you deeply and also the person you've been heartbroken over.

but you just ran and ended up at the purple haired's door and the way he acts, he's not as bad as he always acts.

"here." he hands you the cup whereupon the hot fruity steam rises to your nose, making you smile right away.

"y/n, i don't want to press you in any way, but how are you and why did you come to me of all people?" he sits down again, turns his body in your direction, watching you as you carefully sip the tea.

"to be honest, i feel like shit. i should have known seishiro wasn't serious and should have listened to the others who tried to warn me. now i'm in a fight with my best friend and my cousin, and it's my own fault," you say, suppressing your tears. "and i'm not sure why i went to you. i guess i just didn't have anyone else to go to."

nodding, he makes a sound of understanding. he struggles with himself, but as weak and broken as you are sitting in front of him right now, something inside him triggers his dark facade to fall.

"i knew about everything. to be honest, i made the bet for fun. but believe me, it was a joke, but seishiro never misses a bet. but after he won the bet long ago, he didn't stop. he wanted to capture your heart and then break it like he did yesterday. i even didn't know about it and then broke off the party. i don't know why myself, but no one deserves something like that, especially not you."

of course, you're mad at reo, too. but you realize how serious he is. all that usually serious and cold is gone from his face and only genuine guilt is readable in his face. you always thought that seishiro and reo were just a little bit different, but apparently they're miles apart.

"i'm not angry with you, but what interests me is.. why are you friends with him when you yourself think his actions suck?" you then ask honestly and immediately reo looks up — he hadn't expected such a question.

"because he's done so much for me and he's all i have," he sighs and closes his eyes. "it's not so easy when your parents hate you and badmouth everything you do. no matter what i did, it was never good enough until i stopped trying. i became like this because i hurt them with it or rather they are just ashamed of me. but i don't care. they're hardly there anyway. my mother used to stay home for me when my father had to go on a business trip, but now she always flies with them and they're almost always gone. seishiro was and is the only one who understands me and would never leave me hanging, it's the same the other way around." reo's honesty leaves you sitting there shocked mute.

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