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"i'll pick you up after school and we'll do something together" yoichi says as he walks to school with you.

it's a total detour for him to walk to your school, since his is on the other side of town, but since the first two classes are cancelled anyway, he has plenty of time.

also, he kind of has this weird feeling in his stomach that feels guilty and he needs to somehow make it a little better again.

"okay, see you later" you give him a little smile.

you didn't sleep well and you're not in a good mood.

yoichi's way too big hoodie covers your school uniform that you have on underneath and you know that unfortunately you will have to take it off when class starts.

a little further away you see seishiro and reo talking with a few other students and, of course, smoking. seishiro has seen you, but doesn't pay attention to you otherwise, which confuses you a bit.

is he mad at you because you didn't want to go with him yesterday?

actually, you don't care, you wouldn't want to stand around with him, reo and the others and let the smoke blow in your face anyway.

slowly, you walk into the hallway, which is already getting crowded, and see yumeko getting her things out of the locker. your pace quickens, but she has already seen you and stomps off.

you continue to run after her until you suddenly bang into something hard. "oh, i'm sorry," you mumble, looking up — your breath catches as you see the student's handsome face.

to be honest, it's the first time you've seen that face.

"oh, it's all right. i could have been more careful. i'm rin, by the way, and i'm new here at the school," he says, smiling lightly at you. you notice that his voice is actually really pretty and you're quite attracted to it — it rivals seishiro's voice quite a bit.

"nice to meet you, rin, i'm y/n" you introduce yourself, giving him a short bow.

"could you show me the way to the principa-" he begins, but suddenly an arm wraps around your shoulder and pulls you away from the pretty boy.

you immediately recognize who it is, even though you haven't yet looked at his face.

"what does he want from you, baby?" seishiro asks, trying to say it quietly, but of course rin has heard, so his sweet smile fades.

"he's new here and he doesn't know where to go to the principal's office" you force a smile to your lips.

you don't know why, but you really don't feel like seishiro right now. you still can't forget how he could just kiss you like that yesterday and then suggest that you come with him to do who knows what with him.

could it be that he saw yumeko, you think to yourself.

"the director's office is down the right corridor to the back, last door on the left. but it's also marked big for stupid," seishiro explains in a fake nice way and then turns around, so that you're forced to turn around with him, because he still has his arm around your shoulders.

"i hate it when you talk to other guys and you know it," he growls and escorts you to your locker, only to press you against it. "and don't think i don't notice you avoiding me," he whispers in your ear, leaving a series of kisses until he places one on your lips. "and whose hoodie is this anyway? it's definitely not yours and you didn't get one from me," he eyes the black fabric, lightly pulling on it with his fingers to tell you to take it off.

"come down seishiro, the hoodie is from yoichi. i was with him tonight and he gave it to me because it's cold outside" you sneer at him, pushing him away from you so you can finally get your things out of the locker.

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