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"seishiro, what the hell are you doing here and how do you even know where i live?" you're in shock, can already feel that strange tingling in your stomach again.

fear, nervousness or something else?

you have opened the door only a crack, so that you could close it again at any moment, but suddenly he presses against it and enters by himself.

as if of his own accord, he walks down your hallway, looks at the pictures and decorations, before he comes into the living room and sits down on the sofa with his legs wide apart, resting his arm on the backrest, which strongly reminds you of the party.

"i told you i wouldn't let you go so fast," he says, shrugging his shoulders.

"uhm, that still doesn't even answer half of my questions" you say in horror as he just grabs the remote and switches to some science fiction movie.

"you ask too many questions, y/n. just calm down a bit and sit with me." he casually glances at you, having to grin when he sees your overwhelmed look.

perfect; that's how he wants you, it's all going according to plan and this time he's definitely not going to let you stop him.

as if on command, your legs move to him and without further ado you sit next to him on the sofa. there is quite a distance between you, but you think more about why you gave in so quickly — this situation doesn't seem real to you.

you must be dreaming.

how can you stay so calm when the biggest fuckboy in school found out your address from somewhere, invites himself over and now even helps himself to the bag of chips you put on the small table for later.

"you know, i've often thought about the night we almost kissed," he begins in a dark, seductive voice that gives you goose bumps.

he puts the bag of chips on the small table, then wipes his hands on his black jeans and slides a huge step towards you — so close that your sides are lightly touching.

you can barely get used to how close you're sitting to each other before seishiro has already wrapped his arm around your shoulders. maybe you're just imagining it, but you think he's pulling you even closer to him.

"and you know what else? i was pissed when yoichi interrupted us and ruined everything" he finishes his sentence and then looks down at you.

you don't give an answer, just have no idea what to say. deep down, you want to agree with seishiro, but you can't.

he's not stupid — he knows you're struggling, and he also knows you enjoyed it when he lifted you up, sat you on the dresser, and put himself between your legs. he knows you loved how his big hands were on your thighs, then on your waist and how his lips had lightly touched yours.

seishiro leans down, brushes a strand of hair behind your ear so he can whisper into it. "i would be willing to try again. how about you, y/n?" he breathes, making the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.

an uncomfortable warmth hits your ear, caused by his hot breath. your heart begins to beat even faster than it has all along and your breath goes faster, damn you're nervous and visibly so.

while seishiro waits for your answer, he plays with a strand of your hair, has his gaze fixed directly on you. not once has he looked away, nor does he intend to do so.

but you're unsure what could cause his plan to burst again.

he must take things into his own hands now, if you will not make the move alone. his fingers stop twirling at your strand of hair, but then settle on your chin so that your head is pointed in his direction while he moves closer to you.

playboy, nagi seishiro ✓Where stories live. Discover now