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"seishiro, we need to talk" you unfortunately not sound as strong as you wanted to come across. you're standing in front of his hut, which he shares with reo.

after talking some more with mai about him, you decided to confront him. but sadly, it doesn't work out as confidently as you thought it would.

"oho, now there's stress" reo laughs, lying casually on his bed and playing on his phone, even though the phone can only be used for an hour in the evening after dinner.

"shut up" his best friend throws him off with his towel, which he used to dry his hair.

the purple haired just keeps laughing, whereupon seishiro rolls his eyes and tells you to wait a moment.

nervously, you play with your fingers as you wait for the white haired, who comes out two minutes later, having only put on his shoes. "what's wrong, babe?" he puts his arm around your shoulder, which you immediately shake off, causing him to raise an eyebrow in confusion.

you remain silent, trying to find the right words, while you continue walking. but seishiro seems to have had enough, as he suddenly grabs your arm and jerks you around so that you're standing close to each other.

"hey, what's wrong?" he asks in a stern tone this time, his eyebrows drawn together in irritation.

his other side comes out.

"are you taking advantage of me?" it shoots out of you, but you try to stand firm and maintain eye contact.

seishiro looks shocked, momentarily at a loss for words, until he catches himself and quickly jumps back into character. "who told you that shit?" he angrily runs his hands through his hair, pretending he doesn't know what you're talking about and that the person who told you about it was full of shit.

"mai told me, but she heard it from hyoma, who heard you and reo" you reply, crossing your arms in front of your chest.

"chigiri hyoma, the one from your class? the little bastard who has a crush on you? whoa, y/n, you're trusting the wrong guy. he just doesn't want to believe that you're with me and not with him, like he dreams." he sneers.

your eyes widen.

hyoma is in love with you?

you don't know what to believe, or who to believe it, but it does seem funny to you how angry hyoma came across whenever you were with seishiro, how he gave him funny looks.

wow, how blind love can make you.

"i can't believe you believe him" your opponent says coldly, turning around while he starts to grin nastily when you stop him.

that's exactly what he wanted.

of course hyoma isn't in love with you.

he's had a crush on another girl for a long time.

but the fact that you believe him suits seishiro all too well.

"seishiro, wait! i'm really sorry! i shouldn't have listened to hyoma and mai and should have asked you first before accusing you. please don't be mad at me" you beg, standing in front of him so he can't run any further.

"you'll have to give me something for this," he breathes just before your lips, so you hastily unite them. when you break away from each other, he takes your hand and walks with you back to your hut. "i'll see you at dinner" he gives you another small kiss before he disappears.

but not to his hut, but to hyoma's.

incensed, he hammers his clenched fist against the wooden door of hyoma's hut, whereupon a muffled sound disturbs the peace and the door almost falls out of its frame.

"yes?," hyoma asks, confused, but when he sees seishiro, his features fall and a grim expression creeps onto his face. "what do you want, nagi?"

the white haired throws his head back, laughs mockingly. in the next moment, his hand is on the collar of hyoma's shirt and comes closer to it with his face until they're almost forehead to forehead. "what i want? i want you to stay out of my business" he growls — his eyes seem a shade darker.

hyoma could certainly break away from him if he used enough force, but he's far too intimidated by his counterpart at that moment, even if he hates to admit it. "y/n is a friend of mine. do you think i'm going to let you hurt her and take advantage of her like that? you don't know me very well, nagi" he furrows his eyebrows angrily.

"tsk. don't get too close to her anymore, she's mine. it would be better if you do what i say, because you know better than i do that i can completely destroy your life," seishiro whispers and with a firm shove he pushes his opponent into his hut, who stumbles and just barely manages to catch himself before he would have fallen down.

shocked, hyoma looks up, but seishiro is long gone and all he can see is his back.


as seishiro said, rather ordered, you ignored hyoma as best you could and stayed out of his way. but he seems to do exactly the same, even if in some situations, where seishiro is nowhere to be seen, he tries to direct you with his looks.

skillfully you ignored those, as well as the tugging in your heart since it hurts you to do this.

or does your heart just want to tell you what a mistake you're making?

it's 2 p.m. when all the students are already sitting excitedly gathered in the assembly room, eagerly waiting to hear what is planned for the day.

"dear students, i am mrs. yamaki, the camp director and forest ranger. since the weather is great today, the forest is a good place to have a big scavenger hunt, but in a different way. you will be given a map in second groups and you will have to master a challenge of your own. you will have all day, but you must be back here when the sun goes down. since the theme is cohesion, boys and girls will make a team," the older woman explains with motivation and simply starts putting girls and boys together. "you and you in front. you're team nine." she points at you with a smile and you walk up to her, unfortunately not having seen who the boy you're on a team with is until seishiro also walks forward and gives you a teasing grin.

"i guess that's fate"

"and go!" yells mrs. yamaki and everyone starts running while you and seishiro are one of the few running normally.

there is a strange silence as you run side by side and you try to read the map, which you can't really do — you're so focused that you cry out when he pushes you up against a tree. his face is only a few millimeters away from yours, so you can already feel his hot breath on your greedy lips.

"how about we do something else instead and say later that we didn't find the way?" he lets his lips pass over yours, because he already slowly knows exactly what drives you crazy + how he has to do it.

pressing his lips passionately to yours he mqkes you return the kiss without hesitation.

his lower lip slowly moves over yours, which is why you open your eyes in shock and look into his closed ones. slowly and nervously, you open your mouth and allow him to explore your mouth with his tongue.

somewhat shyly, you put your arms around his neck and pull him down a bit to deepen the kiss, while he has his hands firmly on your waist, still pressing you against the tree — your tongues fight for dominance, but it's clear that seishiro wins this one.

your air is running out, so you push him away from you a bit and he slowly pulls away from you. you just had your first french kiss with nagi seishiro. when you made out together, he only kissed you, not even used his tongue.

seishiro is probably first with you everywhere, except in breaking your heart. but well, even if he won't be the first, he will do better than reo.

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