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"what if seishiro realizes that he has feelings for you? will you try it again with him then?" asks yumeko, who also suspects that he has realized that he is in love with you.

you shrug your shoulders and she knows immediately that you're overwhelmed.

she would hardly be any different in your situation.

"i mean, i know i still have feelings for him, but on the other hand, i don't want to be screwed over by him again" mumbling you continue chewing on the straw from your bubbletea.

yumeko nods, seems to be thinking as well. suddenly her phone rings and she immediately starts to smile, always does that when rensuke calls.

getting up, she walks out of the small store to make a phone call in peace.

she misses her brother like hell and so do you since it's been a long time since you last saw him.

you look at your phone and immediately see that reo has texted you.

reo: do you feel like coming to my place today? 4:47 pm

we could order pizza
4:37 pm

you: sure, i'll come over, but only if you leave out the pineapple
4:38 pm

reo: :(
4:38 pm

well, but only because it's you
4:38 pm

slightly smiling, you shake your head.

reo is really incredible — a few weeks ago you wouldn't have dreamed of having anything to do with him.

"omg" yumeko says out loud as she comes back in and sits down. her smile is so wide that you're afraid her cheeks will hurt.

"what's wrong?" you ask curiously and see her grin widen even more, which makes you smile.

"rensuke is coming home for a few days because he's off," her eyes light up and she claps her hands, which she always does when she's happy or excited.

"whoa, that's great. when is he coming?" you're happy for your best friend, who hasn't seen her brother in so long.

"he should be here soon, so i'm going home now. why don't you come with me and stay for dinner?" she suggests, but you immediately think of reo and shake your head.

"i'd love to, but i told reo i'd stop by. i'm sorry," you say, but she waves you off. she's happy to see you thinking about other guys and forgetting about seishiro.

"hey dumbass" you say as reo opens the door and lets you in an half hour later.

"wow, you keep hurting me" he wipes away a fake tear.

laughing, you roll your eyes, walk as if automatically into the living room, where there are already two pizza boxes and two cans of cola.

"i assumed you were eating the same pizza as the others a thousand times" reo grins and you nod immediately.

he really is always one step ahead of you.

"how are you doing so far?" he suddenly asks you when there's a commercial on the show you're watching.

knowing what he means you're already looking for the right words. "it's complicated. i'm happy, but every now and then i have moments when i just miss him so much and wish he loved me," you start and see him nodding in understanding. "especially because yesterday, before school, he defended me. well, it wasn't a big deal, but rin thought he was hitting on me again and he got in the middle of it. and when i looked him in the eyes, i thought i saw concern."

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