🛍️🧸Mall trip!🧸🛍️

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Rate my Jay Bilzerian sketch^^hes like one of my highest kins lol
Little age:3
Requested by catboymybeloved

It was a Tuesday morning during spring break,Estella was in her room painting a picture of a bunny for Pocket.Everything was peaceful and quiet until her phone started ringing,so she got up and walked to her nightstand to pick it up,and saw it was Damien who was calling her.

"What do you want Damien?"

'Hey Estellaaaa,I have to go down to hell for some torture bullshit so can you babysit Pip,he's been asking for you like all day'

"Sure should I go over to you're house or will you bring him here?"

'Hmm...I think maybe come here,or maybe I can give you my dads money and you can take him to the mall🤪'

"Okay I'm on my way there"

'Kay Kay'

Estella hung up the phone and began to get dressed,She changed into a white button up with a dark green sweater which was tucked into an even darker green plaid skirt,faded grey-ish brown sucks with chocolate colored brown shoes.Estella brushed her hair into a half ponytail and tied it with a black ribbon,she admired herself in the mirror for a bit and grabbed her phone and put it in her pocket,walking out of her room.

When she walked downstairs and into the kitchen she saw her adoptive mother making coffee,about to leave for work. "Mother I am going over to a friends for the day,don't worry I'll text you every so often to let you know I'm alright"Estella's mother(idk what to name her y'all gotta help me out)looked at her and smiled,handing her the cup of coffee so she could have a taste "That's alright Stellie,I'm about to leave for work so I'll drive you"She kissed Estella's head and waited for her to get her coffee back,then they both left and got in the car.

Estella's mom dropped her off and left for work,Estella walked up to the door and knocked like a normal person,after like 37 seconds Damien opened the door "Wassup Estelle,Pips upstairs"He said letting her in,They walked up to the nursery where Pip was.Pip was dressed in dark grey sweatpants and a dark red hoodie with little devil horns on the hood,he jumped up with excitement when he saw her.Estella happily walked up to him and hugged him tightly making him squeal with happiness.

"I'll be back around 7pm,be on you're best behavior for Estella"Damien kissed Pips head and left through a portal.Pip looked at Estella wondering what they should do "Would you like to go to the mall?"Pip jumped with excitement "Yes let's go pwease!"With that Pip slipped on his red converse,grabbed his phone in case Damien called,and left the house with Estella and walked to the mall.

When they got there they went straight to five below to buy some treats.Pip ran right to the candy section as they arrived making Estella laugh a bit,he grabbed some Reese's pieces(I don't remember if five below even has them kill me)for the both of them while she went and grabbed some bottles of Starbucks coffee from the fridge thing where they keep the drinks.Estella paid for the snacks and the two left and started to walk around the mall,they kept on walking and walking,just chatting about how their lives are going,and they ended up going to Bass pro shop to look at the fish.

"Essie look at that one!it's so cute an small!"Pip said as he looked through the glass,Estella walked towards it and put her hand on the glass right next to Pips "It must be a baby,like youuu"She said poking his cheek which made him giggle "No I not a baby,I big boy"Pip said putting his hand on his chest dramatically "Ah okayyy"She said taking a sip of her coffee.Pip eventually got bored of staring at the fish so they left and continued walking around.

"Look Pip there's a toy shop,would you like to go?" "Yes pwease!"They went in a looked around at all the fidgets,toys on the shelves,and plushies.One specific toy that caught his eye was a light brown baby goat plush that was dressed in white,baby blue,and baby pink striped onesie.The plushie was the cutest thing Pip had ever laid his eyes on,he ran over to it and hugged it tightly,Estella followed as she laughed slightly. "You like that one?"She asked making him nod both quickly and excitedly "I'll buy it for you but just this one since you already have so many at home" "Yes mama"Pip giggled out.

Estella paid for the goat and even bought herself a cake squishy before leaving,they decided to go to Barnes and Noble's for some relaxation (Bruh none of the malls in my area have it anymore💔)The two walked into Barnes and walked around into the children's section,they looked through all the books and found the spiderwick chronicles.Pip happily grabbed the first book and ran to sit on one of the couches,with Estella following him of course,leaning against Pip as she opened up the book and started reading to him.

"Hey guys,I didn't think I'd see you two here"After a while of reading the two looked up to see Gregory😎He had Harry potter:chamber of secrets in hand cuz he's a nerd "Gregory!"Pip jumped up and hugged Gregory "Hey little bro,hey Estellie"He said as he hugged Pip back. "You're reading Harry Potter?fucking loser-" "Don't make me take Pip and run away as fast as I can."Gregory said in response to Estella's comment "You won't"She said crossing her arms.

In that moment Estella's life flashed before her eyes,Gregory turned around with his back facing Pip and crouched down "Piggy back now."Pip excitedly jumped on and Gregory speed ran out of the store.Estella blinked for a second until she realized what just happened,then quickly ran after them.The two older ones were concentrated and competitive,As Gregory tried his best not to crash into people as he ran full speed,Estella contemplated violence in the most graphic and brutal way possible,While Pip was simply content and enjoying whatever game this was that they were playing.

The chase continued until Gregory ran out of one of the exits and was now running along the sidewalk slowly since he was out of breath,Estella who was not that far behind was also growing tired but she refused to let Gregory win.After like 15 more minutes Estella caught up to Gregory after he set Pip down and collapsed onto the nearby grass out of pure exhaustion lol "I win *couGh*"Estella said lazily punching Gregory's arm "wEll I uGh *cOUghs cutely*lEt you win you muppet bitc-"Pip just sat there talking to his goat "They so cwazy,I don know why tho"He hugged his plushie lovingly "It a good thing we not cwazy,we jus happy wittle fwiends"Pip told his goat as he cuddled it,completely ignoring his two friends who were quite literally dying from the 30 minute chase.
The end!
This prolly isn't what u wanted best friend but o well im sorryyyy

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