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Little age:1
(This oneshot takes place in England at the Havisham mansion, Idk I thought this would be a cute idea lol)

In the late evening on a chill Saturday night, Pip was wandering around the home just exploring. Estella had been in her room sleeping for awhile so Pip chose to wander around to pass the time, at the moment he was currently on a lower floor near the basement. "Oh wow, this is all so fascinating!" Pip said as he admired the paintings on the walls, not realizing he was getting closer and closer to the basement. He roamed around until he saw a large stairway that went into a low level.

Pip tilted his head slightly before deciding to go explore the lower floor. "Oh this looks fancy, but it does look very old and dusty" Pip mumbled as he walked throughout the dimly lit cellar, getting further away from the stairs by the minute. Eventually, Pip couldn't see anything, It was completely dark. He whimpered when he realized he was lost and unable to find his way out. Pip sank into the corner of the room and tried not to cry, slipping into an involuntary young headspace out of stress.

By now, Estella had woken up from her nap "Ugh my head..where's Pip?"She mumbled as she rubbed her eyes, sitting up in bed. She looked around the room but he was nowhere in sight, so she got out of bed and went to go look for him. After awhile of searching the home she found that the light in the hallway that lead to the basement was turned on, so she quickly headed to that direction. "Pip?" She called out hoping for an answer, but she heard nothing. Estella was about to head back when she suddenly heard faint soft crying coming from the basement 'That must be Pip,but why is he crying?' She wondered as she went down the hall towards the noise.

"Pip?Are you down here?" Estella called out as she got closer and closer to the sound of crying, she walked down the stairs with her lantern lighting up the dark space. As she walked in and lit up the cellar, that's where she found Pip in the corner, curled up in a ball and crying "Pip!" Estella exclaimed quickly walking towards the crying boy. "What are you even doing down here? And why are you crying?" She asked sitting down on the ground in front of Pip.

Pip looked up and wiped his eyes, stuttering a response "I-I got wost in da dawk.."He whimpered before hiding his face in his knees, breaking down again. Estella didn't question his behavior or speech, instead she just scooted over and hugged him "There there Pip, you're safe now" She whispered stroking his hair as he cried, and holding him tightly and protectively. After a bit Pip har calmed down "Do you feel better?" Estella asked while rubbing Pip's cheek, he nodded "Can we pwease go ou of hewe?" Estella nodded and grabbed his hands, pulling him up from the ground and leading him out of the cellar.

She walked him out of the basement and m then walked him to the kitchen "I think you deserve a cookie Pip" She said making Pip's eyes light up. Estella sat him down at the kitchen table and searched throughout the cabinet for the cookie jar, she took it out and set the jar on the cabinet while she grabbed a napkin. She set the cookie onto the napkin and then placed it in front of Pip "Here you go" She said softly making Pip smile brightly before he began to eat the cookie.

"Can I has anothew one pwease?" Pip asked when he finished his cookie, Estella nodded and reached back into the cookie jar, taking two more cookies out and placing them on the napkin. Pip giggled with happiness and began to devour the cookies. The little boy yawned once he had finished his cookies, making Estella laughed softly "I think you need to go to bed" She said grabbing his hand and leading him out of the kitchen.

She walked him to her room and lightly pushed him onto her bed "Here take your boots and hat off, so you'll be more comfortable" Pip did as he was told and handed her his things "Can I has milky pwease?"He asked once Estella set his things down on the floor. Estella smiled at him "Of course,why don't you find something of mine to wear in my closet while I get that for you" She said with a warm tone, Pip nodded and got off of the bed and began looking through her closet.

Estella left the room and walked back downstairs to the kitchen. She took out the milk and poured it into a small pot, then began heating it up. Once it was warm enough for Pip to drink with no problem she added some sugar and stirred it around well, and then she looked for one of her old baby bottles that was in a box under the sink along with other old and unused utensils. She quickly rinsed it out before pouring the nice hot milk into the bottle, screwing the lid on and cleaned up any slight spills.

"Pip, I am back" Estella said as she walked into the room. She saw Pip curled in a ball on the bed, dressed in an long sleeved brown shirt that was long and ended at his knees, basically serving as a nightgown "I have your milk" She said making him sit up excitedly, making grabby hands for it. Estella took her slippers off and sat down on the bed, pulling Pip closer so that she was cradling him, she slipped the bottle between his lips and began to feed him.

Pip peacefully drank up the milk until the bottle was completely empty. Estella set the empty bottle on her nightstand and laid Pip down properly, pulling the covers over them. She leaned over to turn off her lamp and then cuddled against Pip, kissing his forehead softly to which he leaned over and lazily kissed her cheek "nigh nigh mama, I wove wou" He said softly before drifting off to sleep. Estella smiled and laughed softly "I love you too baby" She said before drifting off to sleep as well.

The end!

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