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I was in that cell for the whole week, nobody came to see me. Everyone out there believes that I'm a traitor and now I'm waiting for my case to be read for the first time in the court. Since nobody is on my side, I know I will be taken to prison even if I'm innocent. That feeling hurts me b'se no one will take care of my granny back home.

"Someone is here to see you!"

"Tell him/her I don't want to! It's not gonna help meeting with people who don't even listen to me. They blame me for sins I didn't commit and it hurts so-"

" It's your lawyer!" The police added.

I froze! My what?

I was taken to that room just to meet P'Ann waiting. I felt warm tears falling from my eyes. Something tells me she's the only person who will defend me.

She came to hug me and I felt like letting all the emotions that I've been hiding flood out. I needed this comfort so badly and it hits different when it comes to somebody u didn't expect!

" P'Ann!" I breathed out a cry.

"Sssh! It's gonna be alright now!"


Came to realize it was Lady Sam and Mai who informed P'Ann about it. It seems some people believe I'm innocent. I'm just hurt with the fact that P'Mew didn't believe in me but P'Ann told me to focus on myself first. My freedom is all that matters for now!

It was the court day and I was surprised to find some people on my side. I knew about lady Sam and Mai but about Thanya and Fiat, I had no idea. I'm confused with Fiat presence.

P'Ann stood for me against P'Mew's lawyer and I could see confusion on P'Mew's flat face. He's probably wondering how P'Ann became my lawyer. But that doesn't matter since he's against me for things I didn't do!

I tried to defend myself when I was given a chance to and P'Mew tried to explain about his point of view. He insisted that Lady Sam and I had access to the penthouse and no other. Finding those documents in my room is what made him suspicious and my frequent meetings with his business villain (Kao Noppakao) who once hacked into his company's account and stole all the money, leaving them bankrupt. I had no idea that the creepy guy was the villain. He used me as a shield to get what he wanted from Fiat and Kaownah. But why is Fiat on my side?

"Leave this case to me. I'll finish it! As for now, pack up and leave b'se ur life is hanging on a thread. Mai will escort u to Thailand!" P'Ann bailed me out. 

Thanya's POV:

I was preparing to leave my apartment, ready to face my brother. I don't understand, is he in love with Gulf? The reaction that came from him after that intern confessed his feelings for Gulf made me get suspicious. He looked pale and disturbed but tried to hide it!

I was about to go out when I heard knocks. I hesitated, no one is familiar with me so who can that be? I peeped through the door lens just to see P'Mew's secretary, the lady whom Gulf suggested for me in his letter. I lean back, wondering if Gulf sent her again. 


I decided to open the door anyway.

She froze. I frowned, hoping it's not a bad news b'se she keeps me updated about Gulf's wherebouts and I heard he safely arrived in Thailand this noon.

"Welcome...." I spoke, just for her to blink as if she's brought back to reality

"Thanks" She walked in carefully.

I'm not gay, but I wonder why Gulf suggested a "she" instead of a "he".

" U look like u were going out!" She spoke while sitting on the couch.

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