Heart dilemma

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" No I can't! I don't trust you!"

" Then fine, the deal is off! " I spoke while standing up to leave her office. As I was marching to the door, I heard her cursing herself before asking me to wait. I smiled while turning to face her. She looked at me furiously as if I blackmailed her but she has no choice

"Why are u doing this?" She asked

"It's just a simple agreement lady Sam. And I'm not forcing u into accepting it"

She sighed then looked at me again.

" I doubt it. U must have something planned behind ur back. What is it?"

" Nothing than a give and take deal!"

She hit her table before standing up. She walked past me so I followed her from behind. We took the elevator upto the top floor where we found another steel door that required a password.

Lady Sam looked at me doubtfully and I just shrugged to prove my innocence

Finally, we are now inside P'Mew's pent house. Lady Sam stood infront to look at me again. She has trust issues.

" I still don't understand why u let me access Thanya's information just for u to access this pent house

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" I still don't understand why u let me access Thanya's information just for u to access this pent house. I thought u loved her and was about to marry her!"

" That's not it. It's just complicated!"

" I refrain myself from thinking that u are a bad person Gulf, that's why I let u come up here. It is Mew's private room and he entrusted me with it! But I can't find a way to trust ur intentions b'se I don't see why u want the password!"

" B'se I'm worried of P'Mew's safety! I heard of his trauma problems, I wanna put a closer eye on him just incase!"

Lady Sam frowned. She's confused.

" Wait! Are u spying on him? "

" I'm just concerned of him! "

We stared at eachother for sometime before she cleared her throat to speak.

" I can buy that excuse, but Gulf! Incase anything disappears from this house, count urself responsible to carry all the blame and punishments. Mew warned me not to let anyone inside this room but I think ur idea is not that bad. He needs someone to help him when that situation occurs. It really tortures him!"

" How? "

" He normally comes up here to break everything, that's how he calms down!"

I sighed. This sounds really bad.

" Something tells me I can trust u Gulf! Please keep ur word! " She insisted

" I will try. Maybe he'll listen to me. What about u? Why do u need Thanya's information? U like her?" I teased.

" She resemble my late girlfriend, Mon"

"That's why u want to know more about her? I thought u knew her!"

" She once came to visit Mew, that's how I got to see her. I wanna know her more and u must tell me everything!"

" At your service!" I spoke thoughtfully. Now I won't feel guilt letting Thani go since I know Lady Sam will be there for her and will love her accordingly.

"That means u gonna break up with her?" She didn't seem to believe me.

"I don't want to keep her waiting more than she already has. (Sigh) I'm still dealing with my heart dilemma!"


I stayed the whole day alone in the office b'se I heard Fiat got a fever. I plan to go to his place after work to check on him. But today I feel different, I feel happier and relieved after having a comfortable talk with lady Sam. I smiled while parking my stuff, ready to leave the office. Mai has been occupied so I didn't get a chance with her. I took my phone, trying to text P'Mew on my evening schedule. Yeah, I told lady Sam to give me his private number b'se he blocked me in his local number. I now have things than can give me access to P'Mew so I can keep my eyes on him.

I sound possessive.

I took a cab upto Fiat's house. I knocked several times before an aged woman opened the door. She welcomed me after I introduced myself as Fiat's workmate. I found Fiat seated by the window of his room so I sat on the bed.

"How are u feeling now?"

"I'm fine!"

"I brought u some apples and yogurt"


I sighed. I felt a bad energy from him

"Do we have a problem Fiat?"

He turned to look at me. He looked paler and his eyes had dark circles.

"Not at all. I'm just no longer comfortable around u Gulf "

" Why? Does this have something to do with what Mai said? Look, it was unintentional. I didn't plan on making Mew fire all those people. I'm saying this just incase u think it's my fault"

He scoffed hypocritically.

" U're so dumb! Did u really think that I care abt the employees who got fired?"

" Then what's the matter?"

He stood from his seat and walked upto the place I was sitting. He rested his hand on my lap while looking at me straight in the eyes, down to my lips.

"I'm so madly in love with u Gulf!" He tried to kiss me but I pulled away quickly. I pushed him to the bed and stood up. Is he out of his damn mind?

"Stop what u're doing!" I spoke seriously. I didn't know he had feelings for me this whole time. Big problem!

"I can't stop myself Gulf! Maybe until u kill me! I fell for you since the day u got in that office. It pains me to learn that u've been in love with boss Mew this whole time. I just want to kill myself!"

He cried bitterly and it down on me to worry of his health. He can get a strong fever if he keeps crying like this. God! What have I gotten myself into now?

" Please give me a chance Gulf, I beg u" he knelt down infront of me but I lift him up quickly. He laid on my chest, still sobbing. I wonder what I've done to make him cry this goddamn much!

" I'm gonna leave u here unless u stop crying!" I threatened him and he quickly rubbed his tears, still leaning on my chest. I sighed and looked away

" We gonna talk about this when u're completely fine, perhaps next week!"

I tried to convince him.

" Really? U gonna give me a chance?"

" We gonna talk about this first. It's a sudden news to me! I need to think!"

" I'm sorry for that but I was just afraid of loosing u forever Gulf. I love you"

He clinged to me but I removed his hands. I told him I had to go back to my place b'se it was getting late already

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