My fault!

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Mew's POV:

I had a feeling this was true. My villain used Gulf b'se he wanted to hurt me. He wanted me to turn against my own lover by sending him to jail as he continues working with the closest person I know "Kaownah" to confiscate my properties. As much as I hate to admit it but Fiat's obsession for Gulf really helped us win this case. He was ready to say the whole truth just for Gulf to forgive him and consider his feelings for him. Well, that won't happen b'se I'm planning to marry him

Speaking of marrying him... Gulf no longer has interests in me. He's been avoiding me ever since we arrived in my private resort. I ordered everyone to stay in my resort until when my villain is captured b'se we don't know his plans when he's still out there! I know he's hunting us so I'm trying to protect everyone who got involved in this mess whether directly/ indirectly!

I was resting after working my body by swimming for an hour when I saw Gulf walking from his room. I remembered when he used to be so clingy to stay together in my room but now he doesn't even want to see me. I know he needs time to forget about all this saga!

I watched him as he walked to me while struggling not to drool over me

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I watched him as he walked to me while struggling not to drool over me...

"Are my tickets ready?" He asked plainly

"Goodmorning to you too Gulf!"

" P'Mew! My tickets! I wanna go home"

I smiled b'se he still calls me "phi".

"Yai nong, I told u it's impossible to let u travel now b'se it's not safe outside"

" I don't care. All I know is I feel suffocated staying here. I wanna go back home and forget about all this!"

" I would love to take u there myself but as long as I want u alive, u'll have to wait a little longer. Please be patient"

" I'm tired of being held hostage!" He complained as he walked away. He's been passing through alot b'se of this case. I had to lie that he's in Thailand so as to distract those who planned to hurt him. All those days, he stayed at Ann's. Now he's at my resort. I know how boring it sounds to him. I can feel it! I'll make sure he gets his normal life back wen all this is over. It's all my fault!

I was inside my room, clinging on my jacket. I'm starting to shiver and I'm afraid if I'm catching fever. I haven't had proper meals or sleeps since the opening of this case so now my body is reacting. I headed for the painkillers before matching to bed. It's very cold!

I heard someone knocking and I know it's about dinner. I'm not hungry!

"Hey, I'll skip for tonight. Thanks!"

"It's Thanya... May I come in?"

" Yeah..." I tried to sit upright.

" What's happening to u? Why the heavy jacket?" She asked playfully.

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