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Guys!! I'm so excited! I'm such a fan of what's about to happen. Omg. Okay, I'll shut up. Enjoy...


Koa's POV

Sometimes I think I can see the future. I know that sounds crazy, but genuinely I think I do. I have these dreams and sometimes they feel so real...unnaturally real. Then they come true. Months, years, days, or even minutes later. People don't really understand so I just chop it up to Deja Vu. 

"Koa, come on kid. At least do your hair please." My mother huffed out in annoyance and I rolled my eyes, I hated when she called me kid. I was anything but. 

I got up from the table and walked to one of the half bathrooms on the main floor and looked at my hair. I personally saw nothing wrong with it. I liked it when it was wild like this.

My hair was jet black and it was a pretty good length. It went right underneath my collarbones. it grew out straight but the longer it got the more it curled at the ends. I grabbed one of the hair ties my sisters left laying around and I pulled it up into a messy bun on my head. 

I hated having my hair back because it made it easier to see my face. I know that sounds weird but I hated when people looked at me. My face was unique, different than most. 

I mean, I had the usual attractive features. The cute jawline, the nice cheekbones. Thick, dark, and long lashes. A perfectly sculpted nose. I had a mole right about my full lips and underneath my right brow bone. I had a nose piercing on my left nostril and had both of my ears pierced. But my eyes are what I hated. They were a sterling grey, with a blue ring surrounding the edge of it. And my pupils were a deep black. 

My mother hated the fact I liked to cover my eyes. She told my sisters and me that we should be proud of where we come from. We were direct descendants of the Moon Goddess and her mate. Our bloodline held a power that no other werewolf of lycan had. 

As for my family, we were lycans, different then werewolves. More powerful in every way. Stronger. faster. Stealthier. Physicality. I had just turned 21 and I was already a giant. I was a staggering 6'4 and with a great build. Thick biceps, hard abs, and sturdy legs. In as few words as possible, I was hot.

I walked out of the bathroom back to the kitchen, my father had finished breakfast and my three sisters, Kendall, Kona, and Khelani. They were sitting at the table chatting about their first day of school. Our first day of school. They as students. Me a teacher. 

Our pack, Crescent Hill full of lycans like ourselves had moved to a werewolf pack in need of our assistance. The Shadow pack was strong, one of the biggest, but that can attract a lot of rogues. In their case it has. Their alpha had made a call to my father, the alpha and leader of Crescent Hill and he decided to have us relocate for the time being. 

My father was a strong man. I was big. He was bigger. I was mean. He was ruthless. I had a temper. He was filled with rage. I loved him. I was his carbon copy after all. we looked exactly alike. Except for the fact my arms were littered with tattoos. 

My mother on the other hand was the opposite. Soft, kind, gentle. Nurturing. I would protect her with my life. My sisters looked like her. Her dark brown skin, and course curly hair. My sister got her brown color and curly hair, just not as thick. The only thing that resembles my mother and me to my sisters' was my eyes. 

"So much better Koa. You need to look presentable."

My mom came and kissed my forehead as I sat down at the breakfast table joining. The only reason I didn't have my own home was that I was next in line to take over the pack. Thankfully this house was huge and gave us more than enough space. Especially since Kendall had already found her mate and she was here almost every day. 

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