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Tino's POV

My head was facing down as I rummaged through a stack of papers on my desk. I tried extremely hard to focus but the conversation from last night kept replying in my head.

I agreed to give him three months. I agreed to be his friend. I wasn't thinking. I was being too hasty...yet again. He had this weird way of making me forget all my inhibitions and worries. He made me want him, and he didn't even realize it.

There was a knock on my office door and I muttered a quick 'Come in'. Q walked in with a smile on his face as he plopped down on the chair in front of me. I looked up at him through my eyelashes, already annoyed with whatever stupid shit he was about to say.

"Your mate is back." The way he said it was almost like a giggle, with a giant goofy smile on his face.

"Okay." My voice was short and my eyes never left the stack of papers. Even though I have read the same paragraph at least twenty times. Nothing was getting done today.

"How do you feel? He looks good yeah?" I groaned at him and glared daggers at him and his comment.

"What is this Q?" I sighed, throwing in the towel. He wasn't going to leave me alone so might as well entertain the conversation. I leaned back in the chair and sighed finally looking at him.

"I'm going to tell you something. Something I haven't told you yet." He sighed and leaned in the chair. "About my rejection day."

My breath caught in my throat and my eyes went wide slightly. He never talked about the rejection. I barely even know the after. He stayed in his room and never came out until 6 months later. Like nothing ever happened. He always refused to talk about it...until now.

"Alcander didn't reject me that night like most people think. Like I've led on. It was worse. He rejected me after we--um--we had spent time together. A week." He cleared his throat, and I could see his eyes begin to water.

"Q, you don't have to--"

"Yes. I do." He took a deep breath in and continued.

"I was happy. I saw how you accepted your mate being Lycan and a male so easily that I wanted to follow in your footsteps. I didn't fight him. And he didn't fight me. I thought things were good, great even. But I was very wrong..."


Quintons POV

I woke with a smile on my face, I rolled over to find his body gone but his scent still lingered. It lingered everywhere. Even on me.

Honey and Caramel.

I slowly rose from the bed but there was sharp pain right to my backside that caused me to still. The memories of last night flooded my mind. I hadn't expected to feel so strongly about him so fast.

I thank Koa for that.

If he hadn't left to wherever the hell he went to, he wouldn't have come to me for comfort. And we wouldn't be where we are now.

We spent all week together before Koa's disappearance. I knew there was much more to learn from Alcander, but I could see that he missed his best friend. The way I would miss Tino if he did the same.

I slowly rose from the bed and got dressed. Not wanting to shower quite yet, I wanted his scent to linger on me.

We didn't mark each other, no we just had sex. Made love. Though I couldn't help the disappointment that arose with it.

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