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Koa's POV

I groaned as I tried to roll over in the bed, but Tino was attached to me like a Koala. The setting sun was streaming into his room, and I realized we had spent the whole day in bed. We haven't left to eat, and as my stomach growled in protest I need to go eat something soon.

As I looked down at my moppy-haired, doe-eyed, dolcezza, the memories of the previous flooded back to my mind. And my face started to heat up from them.

I would have never pegged Tino to be so...willing. And wanting. Having him beg for me in that way was something I could only imagine happening in my wildest dreams. And yet he did it without me having to ask. The Moon Goddess never ceases to amaze me.

After that second time and he asked for more, I went three more times until he had his fill. I was scared he was going to want more. Tino sucked me dry. Something I had never experienced before. 

Even then he still wasn't satisfied. He wanted more and I of course gave it to him without complaints. But then after one last mind-blowing orgasm that I gave him, he finally was tired and fell asleep in my arms. 

But I couldn't help the goofy smile that covered my face. Valentino was in my arms. I had tasted him. He had begged for me. There go all my insecurities of feeling like he is not attracted to me.

Tino slowly stirred as I tried to slide myself from his tight grip. But I failed as he opened his big eyes to look at me. 

"Where are you going?" His raspy voice caused me and Allister to stir, making my throat dry. 

"We need to eat." I ran my fingers across his face lightly and he closed his eyes at the touch. 

"Can we go back to your place?"

"Of course, whatever you want." My chest pumped up with pride at the thought of Tino being comfortable in my space. "Did you want to pack a bag or just wear my clothes?"

"Wear yours." He mumbled softly. I could see that sleep was fighting to take over him again, as he yawned and his eyes fluttered closed.

"Okay, come on. I know where we can go for dinner." I pushed myself out of the bed but Tino groaned in protest. 

"Like a sit-down place? Why would you want to do that?" He groaned as he moved to lie on his back. I couldn't help the smile that covered me as I moved around the room looking for my phone. 

I heard the incessant thing buzzing while Tino and I were...busy. I found it moments later on the floor and the screen lighting up with a new text. 

"We are going to go talk. To each other. Something we both need to work on." I answered as I opened the text. My throat went dry as I read the words over and over. 

From Alcander: I know you're back, but don't worry we will see each other soon.

"Okay well, we can talk and not be around people. We don't do good around people." Tino's voice rang through the air and I immediately put my phone away and turned my attention to the man in front of me. 

"We have to be around others at some point." 

"No, we don't. I want you all to myself." Tino pouted slightly and it took everything in me not to lean over and take his lip in my mouth. Then we surely wouldn't be going anywhere. And I would be hungry for a very different thing. 

"You have me all to yourself," I smirked as I watched him reluctantly get out the bed and throw on some clothes.

"Koa, stop playing dumb. I don't want bitches looking at you." He rolled his eyes as he forcefully put on sweatpants and I leaned against the wall watching in amusement.

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