Twenty Six

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Sexual Content

Tino's POV

As I walked toward my father's office, I could feel my chest get tight. I hoped that no one told him about what happened last night. I don't need any more reason for him to degrade me more than he does.

I had already changed and showered before Vic found me and I told her I was okay. But right now I had been avoiding Q like the plague. Anytime he pops up I ran away from him as fast as I can. Not because I feel like he would treat me differently. More like I know if I told him the truth, he is going to feel like he didn't do enough in our friendship to where I would feel safe to tell him.

Which is not the case. If anything it's the complete opposite. I didn't want to give him that burden. I already gave it to my family. That was enough.

I walked into the office and my dad was there behind the desk, looking as rough and flat as ever. Not once showing emotion that he might be happy to see us.

"How was your night? You didn't come home I was told." He didn't even lift his eyes to look at Vin and me. Nor did I expect him to. But I let out a soft sigh of relief knowing that he had no idea what happened.

"Yeah, it was cool," Vincent said taking a seat on one of the couches. And I followed.

Our beta, and delta were already in the room, they had kids of their own, our age. But I've never interacted with any of them. Probably because their titles would usually go to them, but Vin and I kind of changed the rules. Making them unable to have those positions. Positions that have been in their family line for years.

Let's just say they aren't the biggest fans of us. Which I understand. But, all I know is that they are my age and they are mated. So good for them.

"Where are the Mickayas? You spent the evening with them I assume." His voice was always so harsh, I never knew what he ever meant.

"We left before them, they should be on their way," I spoke up, clearing my throat. All he did was hum in response.

Silence fell on us, Dad only spoke to his beta and delta as we waited. And finally after what seemed like 8 years. They all walk in. All except Khelani. I immediately felt my mood lift as Koa walked toward me and moved his big body to sit by me. Vincent got up and went to Kona and pulled her in for a hug. I know I probably looked ridiculous with a giant smile on my face like I didn't just see him. But truly I missed him. Badly.

I don't know how I was going to go back to spending hours away from him. Or even sleeping in my bed. And truly I don't think I want to.

I leaned my body against his, letting his warmth ease me. But I could see in his eyes he was worried. Worried about what? I have no clue.

"Hello, Channing. Glad you could make it." My dad spoke to Koa and gave him a genuine smile.

"Unfortunately Vincenzo, I got some bad news." Which caused my dad's serious demeanor to flood his face yet again.

"Alright then, please sit. Tell me."

"There has been a change in command with the rogues. It's no longer Cristoff, he seems to have found other interest..." His voice trailed as if he was hiding something. I looked to Koa to confirm and he gave me a look that was saying he would tell me later.

"Not saying Cristoff is no longer a seems that he is being held against his will. He was forced to step down for reasons unknown."

"You're saying there is someone else?" My father questioned.

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