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(Koa's parent's house)

Tino's POV

When Koa told me that his parent's house was bigger than his I didn't believe him. But now that I am here, and I'm walking through it. He was right. 

It was now around one in the afternoon and most of Tino's family was here for the cookout. It was bustling, so many Lycans filled the house and the outside of it. 

Koa told me that we didn't have to dress up super nice. So I wore jeans and a long sleeve T-shirt. Many of Koa's uncles were outside standing around the grill already, with various meats already cooking.

I had expected there to be a bunch of kids running around, but there were only a few. Koa had explained that most of his cousins were in their teens and around his age. Which added to the fear of having to talk to so many people. And also remembering their names. Fuck. I have to remember like thirty people's names.

Koa led me through the house, my hand in his and a huge smile on his face. We made it to the kitchen and his mom and her sisters and Koa's sisters were all in there. And I assume some of his cousins too. Vincent and Kona appeared from behind us, and I didn't even know they were there.

"You're here!" Cynthia yelled as she walked towards us quickly. She pulled us into a big hug but trying not to touch us with her apron. And then went to Vin and Kona. "Come. Tino and Vincent. Let me introduce you to your family."

My heart warmed at the sentiment. My family. 

There were three women she introduced as her sisters. Crystal was the oldest. Christina was the middle, and Charlotte was the youngest. 

Crystal had one daughter named Adrian and a son named Aiden. Both were twins, and they were 17. And Crystal was mated to Derek.

Christina had three kids. Jay who was two, Justice who was three, and Jamie who was five. Her mate was Alexander.

Charlotte had two kids, Michaela who was 16, and Mason who is 18. She was mated to Justin.

Then I met the uncles, some of them were the Aunt's mate. But three were not. They were Cynthia's brothers.

Chris was mated to Raymond just like Koa told me. They had three kids, Gregory who was 22, Georgia 24, and Grant 19. All mated.

Charles was mated to Francessca and had one kid, Frankie and he was eight.

Cal was mated to Henrietta and they currently had no kids. Thank fuck. 

Vin and I then met Koa's grandparents, but we were told just to call them Papa and nana. So I have no clue what their names are. 

After that, I spoke with Channing and he introduced me to his sister April, and his parents who were told to call them Grandma and grandpa.

Now Tino and I were sitting in the backyard at one of the tables trying to get our heads to stop hurting from meeting do so many people.

"Dude, thank fuck that's over." Vincent groaned laying his head on his arms. "I've never met so many people in my life." 

"Are you sure we met everyone? I feel like we haven't." I looked around the backyard to see if we missed any of the faces.

"If we did, we can meet them the next time we come back." Vincent chuckled and he sat back up, leaning in his chair. He squinted his eyes at me and sighed. "Alright, what's wrong?"

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