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Tino's POV

I huffed in annoyance as I threw off another set of clothes. Why did none of my clothes fit right? The door opened and Vin walked in with a giant smile on his face and fully dressed. He was wearing black jeans and a white button-up. I hated that he always looked so nice.

"Why are you still naked, Valentine?" His eyes went wide as he looked at me. I was still in my boxers and socks. The only things that seem to be working on my body.

"I can't find anything."

"It's probably because you have a shit taste in clothes." He smirked, walked to my drawers, and started pulling items out I didn't even know I had. He threw a pair of light wash, fitted jeans my way. And a loose olive green T-shirt. 

I threw the clothes and some shoes and the rest of my jewelry. 

"Are you nervous?" He asked me with a smirk.

"Shut up." I scoffed. "I take it you and Kona made up. You're in a good mood."

"Yeah, kind of. Still got some things to work out but, things are good. And can only get better." He smiled, his eyes staring off into space. I couldn't help but feel a bit jealous. There was a small part of me that wanted to forget everything and throw in the towel. But I couldn't. There was too much at stake if I did. 

"Where are we even going?" I asked him, trying to change the subject.

"A diner." 

I stared at him, my face full of annoyance. I hated when he did short and cryptic answers like that. Or when anyone did. I mumbled whatever and finished getting ready. Not up for a conversation with him anymore. I grabbed my phone and keys and walked out, Vin close behind.

"Uhh, are you following me?" I asked him.

"Yeah stupid, I'm riding with you." Vin walked to the car passenger door and hopped in. I turned back to the house and I saw Vic looking out the window at us. But she pulled away once she noticed I saw her.

"We need to do something for Victoria," I said as I got in and started driving. 

She had been avoiding us ever since the incident. And I hated it. I had grown so close to her that even after one day of not speaking it felt like an eternity.

"Yeah, we do. Maybe we can take her out this week? Before our passing ceremony?"

Oh shit. Our passing. It's next month. I would officially be the alpha, and Vin will be the Beta. We had maybe two weeks left until we had to start preparing for the ceremony. I nodded in agreement and we drove the rest of the way in silence. We were both nervous. Both were anxious for what was to come. Could I even have a real conversation with him? Without feeling anger or resentment? I guess we will find out.

We pulled up to a diner and from the looks of it, we were the last ones to make it. I saw through the window that Q and Jonah were already there chatting with Koa and Kona. I took a deep breath and jumped out of the car and walked in. 

It was a quaint place, there were very few booths, but the ones that were there were filled. Mainly with families a couple of groups of people closer to Victoria's age. We walked to the booth and all of us were on us. 

"Finally! You guys need to work on your timeliness." Jonah spoke, as he stood to hug Vin. Jonah was a cool guy and he treated Q with nothing but respect and loved him. Though I hated how Jonah looked more like Vin than I did. Both had dark blonde hair and similar color skin. 

Q gave me a soft smile as he stood and let me slide into their side of the booth. My eyes immediately met Koa's and he had a soft smile on his face. He looked breathtaking. But he always did. And I don't think I would ever get used to it. 

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