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Koa's POV

"Look at my boy! Look at how strong you are!" Mama pulled me in her arms almost immediately. She didn't even let us walk into the house yet. "My baby, Kona." She pulled away from me and walked to my sister. 

Mama looked older, she had some gray hair popping through her curls now. But she was still just as beautiful. Kendall ran out and jumped into her twins' arms, completely ignoring me. Dad was grabbing our bags from the car, he had been nice enough to pick us up from the airport. When I saw him after all this time my eyes began to water. I hadn't realized how much I missed them. I saw by the front door, Khelani stood leaning against the door frame. Her face was cold and vacant as she stared at us. 

I sent her a soft smile but she rolled her eyes and walked in the house. I understood her anger. We didn't have our phones and our family link was cut off for the families protection. I talked to my parents every few months but that was all that was allowed. Meaning I haven't talked to my younger sister in almost three years. So, I know she was hurting. I missed a lot of big moments. Her and I were the closest in the bunch, she trusted me. I lost that. I lost her. 

"Your hair, look at how long it is." My mother ran her fingers through my hair and I smiled. Her touch bringing me immense comfort. But she was right, my hair was past my shoulders now, and slightly unruly, but I loved it. 

"Come in, it's dark." My dad spoke, and we followed him inside. 

It smelled just how I remembered it but stronger. Warm and comforting. It felt good to be home. Khelani was laying on the couch, her eyes glued to her phone. Not paying us any attention. I could smell all the food Mama cooked and I was excited to eat something, anything other than Switzerland Cuisine.

"You look stronger. I can see it. I can feel it." Kendall spoke and looked at both Kona and I. 

Training had been brutal. Sloan, the woman we stayed with, had me and Kona training every day. Our powers grew stronger, our connection to the goddess more evident than ever before. It was Kona and I had a direct line to the goddess now. It was intense and overwhelming at times but I realized how much of a blessing it is. 

This connection gives both Kona and I an unnatural amount of strength, speed, and agility. Now mind control, and mind compulsion. There were times where I found myself forcing people to my will on accident while I was away, that was my main struggle. Getting control of my mind. But after almost three years, I was ready. We were ready. 

We walked right to the dinner table and sat around it. All except for Khelani. 

"Khelani won't be joining us tonight." My Dad spoke, his voice clear and just as powerful as before. Kona and I nodded in understanding and started filling our plates with food. 

"Tonight is Victoria's 18th birthday, the whole pack is there to celebrate." Mama said calmly. I knew why.

Mate. My mate. My dolcezza. My Valentino. Though he wasn't mine anymore. Alister whimpered slightly at that. I had thought about him every second of every day. But as they days went on, so did the memories of us. I had forgotten what his voice sounded like. What his face had looked like. And in itself as heartbreaking enough.

I thought that maybe he would have been at the airport waiting for me. Had my parents told him, but they didn't. I resented them for that. Not telling him the reason why I left. Now he thinks I left him, just because. Who is to say he would even listen to me if I tried to explain myself. I didn't deserve his time anyways. Both Kona and I stayed silent at that. Our mates were sensitive topics between us. Something we barely talked about between us while we were gone. 

"We have a meeting at the pack house tomorrow afternoon. To welcome you back." Dad spoke up, both Kona and I's eyes were locked to our plates of food. "Just thought would like to know."

"I bet it was beautiful over there! What was it like training?" Kendall spoke, changing the subject, inwardly thanking her for doing so.

"It was gorgeous. Winter time was my favorite! We were in the hills, country land. And when it snowed it was a beautiful view." Kona continued talking but I zoned out, back to my own little world. 

Nerves were flooding my body as I thought about seeing Valentino again. What would he do? What would he say? There was a fear of him rejecting me. Trying to inflict the same kind of pain that I put on him in my absence. I wouldn't blame him. I'd be more than understanding of the decision. 

The rest of dinner went smoothly. There was still some tension, awkwardness, that was between us all. We were different people now, and so were they. There were things that we had to learn about each other again. 

I quickly excused myself and headed to my room, feeling like a foreigner. I went to my bedside table and opened the drawer and there sat my phone. Did he have the same number? Did he block me? Forget mine? Possibly. Most likely. I quickly plugged it in to charge and waited patiently for it to turn on. What was I looking for? I don't even know.

Once it was on, much to my surprise a flood of messages came through. Many from Alcander, Khelani. But then I saw his name 'dolcezza'. I went to his thread, the most recent text was 8 months ago, but the fact he had still been texting me all that time warmed my heart...until it didn't.

Many of the messages were from anger. With maybe one or two that said 'I miss you'. Those I held very close to my heart. But it was the most recent text that broke my heart and any hope that I had of rekindling had faded. 

'I wish I never met you.'

Allister and I couldn't even get angry seeing that. It just furthered the thought that we already had. He hated us. He hated me. Wanted nothing to do with me. I put the phone down, changed into pajamas and climbed into bed. My thoughts berating me like always. 

I had never known what it was like to be depressed, that was until I left my mate. Now depressing thoughts of feeling worthless and being ashamed were my normal. I don't remember how to be happy. Nor would I want to if it was not with him. 

I couldn't fall asleep. I was too anxious about the day ahead. Seeing him. Smelling him. 

I watched the clock tick through the night, but then all of a sudden I was hit with an immense pain. I sat straight up and leaned my head against my bed frame once I realized where it was coming from. My stomach, my core. He was with someone else. That night of all nights. Of course tonight, he is with someone else. I deserved this pain. 

My door opened and I already knew who it was. 

"What is happening? My stomach." Kona groaned out as she made her way in my room and closing the door behind her. "Is he, is this?" She couldn't get the words out as she begun to cry. 

All I did was open my blanket for her to climb into my bed. She knew what was happening, I didn't need to explain it. 

"They both are," I groaned out. Talking adding to the pain. 

Kona climbed into the bed, sobs coming out of her as she wrapped her arms around me. It was eerily silent in the house except for the sounds of Kona crying. Very rarely did I break. Today was one of them. Though silent, I let the tears fall and let the pain take me. I deserved it anyways. Though I was thankful for it, because it tired my body out so much I was finally able to sleep.



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