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Tino's POV

"Hey, you going downstairs?" Vincent asked as he walked inside my room. He closed the door behind him and laid down next to me. Both of us stared at the ceiling.

"Should I?"

"That's up to you." 

"Are you?" I asked turning my head slightly towards him.

"I think so. I don't know man, she's back. And regardless of how upset I am and how hurt I am. There had to have been a reason she left. I wanna know what that is." He took a deep breath and continued. "I don't want to waste any more time. I missed her. I want her. So yeah, I think I am going downstairs. And I'm not letting her leave my sight again." 

Vincent pushed himself off the bed and headed towards the door. 

"I think you should do the same." 

The door closed softly but the way my head was spinning, it sounded extremely loud. Part of me wanted to listen to him, and his advice. Was he going to forgive her that easily? If he did, and I didn't. I would look like a complete asshole. Even though I already did that on my own when I growled at him. 

'Zay, I could really use your help right now.'


'Our mates are back and I need to know what to do. I don't even know how I have survived this long without you.'


'You're being a dick by ignoring me.'


'DAMNIT you stubborn wolf. You're not the only one hurting and feeling like going to a hole. You can! I can't! I need your help, I'm not made to be doing this by myself.'


'Fuck you, Zay. FUCK. YOU.'

I growled out to him and I could feel that I hurt him, but I honestly didn't care. I was hurting too and he left me. He abandoned me.

I couldn't stay in here all night, there was no way my father would accept that. I pushed myself off the bed and looked down at my outfit. Black sweats and a black crewneck. I just shrugged and walked out. This was all he was going to get, the father would understand. He would have to.

I heard laughing and soft music playing as I walked toward the living room. Thankfully everyone else was still in the dining room, so I had the living room to myself.

A soft smile covered my face as I looked at the picture of my Nonna sitting on the fireplace mantle. I walked closer and grabbed it, holding it gently in my hand. I could feel my eyes start to water as I looked down at her. Her beautiful smile, her kindness...I missed her.

"Tino." His voice was soft, but it crashed into me like a wave. I would hear it from miles away.

I slowly set the picture down, but not yet turned around to face him.

"You don't have to say anything. I understand. I just want a chance to explain myself." I was silent.

"First, you must know I had no intention of leaving you ever. If it wasn't for the circumstances and your safety being at risk I wouldn't have left."

"My safety?" I questioned and finally turned to look at him. His silver-grey eyes met mine. 

"Yes, your safety. Please let me explain." He took a tentative step forward and motioned to the couches. I huffed out and rolled my eyes and uttered a short 'fine'. I sat as far away from him as I could. 

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