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Tino's POV

I was pacing back and forth in front of the door that led to his office. My fathers office. I knew my mother was in there, I heard her light and bubbly voice. And I knew Vic was in there as well. She was because she always sits in my father's office. Perks of being the favorite, adn the youngest child I guess.

The faster I go in, the faster I can leave. So then why am I still standing outside, pacing around? I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. I heard my fathers hard voice muttered come in and I pushed it open.

My hands were shaking with nerves as I closed the door behind me and sat beside Vic in the leather seats.

"Ah, Tino. What can I do for you?"

It's never a hello. Or a hi, or how are you son? Its automatically what do you want so I can get away from you. Love you too, dad.

"I need to talk with you all if that's cool?"

"Of course baby, what's wrong?" My mother spoke as she stood firmly behind my father and he leaned back in his chair.

The door swung open and Vincent walked in. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in and I felt relieved having him here. I knew that if things got heated, he would be on my side. 

"Vincent, knock next time." My father voiced and Vincent nodded and stood against the wall. I cleared my throat knowing I just needed to say it. I couldn't keep prolonging this anymore. 

"I'm leaving. I mean--I'm stepping down from being Alpha and I'm going to move back to Koa's pack and live there...with him." 

My eyes bounced between their faces as they all stayed silent. My fathers face unmoving, showing no emotion. Victoria looked pissed, and my mom looked like she was about to cry.

"When do you plan on leaving?" My mother's voice croaked and I wanted to run to her and hug her but I stayed planted.

"Like a day or two?"

"A day or two? Seriously, Valentino? You tell us this right before you plan on leaving? How irresposible of you! Did you even think of how this would affect the pack?" My father never really yelled, he just spoke with power and one of those moments was right now. "You think you can just leave and not tell us?"

"I just decided this three days ago--"

"Bullshit. You've known for a while now."

"Vincenzo, maybe go easy on him?" My mother whispered rubbing his shoulders but that didn't help.

"After all I've given you, this is how you repay me? This merge would have made us the strongest pack in the country!"

"We are still a strong pack without the lycans." Vincent chimed in, looking a bit defensive.

"Who is going to be the alpha now? And repair the damage you are causing?" I was about to speak but Vincent interrupted.

"Me. I am." My father scoffed at Vincent. "It's going to be me."

"You're not ready." My dad leaned forward against his desk his hands covering his face. 

"He is more than ready." I turned to Vincent to see his face held slight defeat. I felt guilt swirl in my gut at the thought of leaving Vincent to fend for himself against my father. 

"Look, I came here to tell you I was leaving. Not ask for permission. What's done is done." I shrugged and leaned back in the chair. Wanting to go and run to Koa and have him hold me. And be in his presence. 

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