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Tino's POV

Koa's big body now lay on top of me. His lips went from my lips and were directly attached to my neck. Licking and sucking all over it. I was overwhelmed with pleasure. 

The towel he had on his hips was coming free, and I could feel Koa's largeness against my thigh. Koa sat up and undid my pants and slid them and my boxers off. I scrambled and tried to pull my shirt off at the same time. Needing nothing but skin to skin with Koa. 

My dick jerked and slapped against my stomach and I let out a groan as I saw that there was precum leaking on my stomach already. 

"You're so needy for it," Koa said through a growl, his voice so deep that it vibrated through my body. His hands went to the towel and pulled it off of himself. His giant dick standing at attention. My mouth started salivating at the thought of tasting him again. I needed to taste him again. 

Koa's eyes traced my body, and his large hands latched under my thighs and positioned my legs to where they were both bent and my feet touch the bed.

I was fully exposed to him. He had spread my legs so wide that I am sure my hole was on display. My suspicions were confirmed as Koa's eyes flickered to it, and they twitched in anticipation. 

I wanted him to fuck me. 

But I knew he wouldn't. At least not yet. But that didn't get rid of the very actual fact that I wanted him to. 

Koa ran his hands up and down my inner thighs. I was getting slightly annoyed with how slow he was moving. 

"Please, Koa." I jutted my hips up slightly, trying to get some friction anywhere. But Koa just watched me in amusement. I knew he liked seeing me so undone. He liked me begging. And if he wanted begging, I would give him begging.

"I need you, I need you so bad," I whined out, my voice raspy as I spoke. His eyes flared with heat and he bit his lip quickly. Koa's resolve almost broke for a second and I realized something. 

Koa wanted me to be needy for him. That was his kryptonite. He knew that mine was I wanted to be good for him, but the more needy I became the quicker I saw him wanting to give in. 

"I need your tongue, please." His tongue flicked out his mouth on command and wet his bottom lip. He growled lightly like he was fighting against himself and I knew I was winning.

"Fuck." He growled quickly before taking my dick in his hot mouth, leaning between my knees. I let out a quick hiss at the temperature change. 

I was overly sensitive, but I didn't care. I finally had Koa right where I needed him. Koa took all of me with ease, and my tip hit the back of his throat, which a deep moan in my chest.

He began to bob his head up and down in deep, slow strokes, and I was going crazy from it. 

Koa took me out his mouth just for a moment and mumbled, "Suck my fingers." He moved his hand to my mouth and I grabbed his hand and took three of his fingers into my mouth. 

I sucked like my life fucking depended on it. While Koa sucked me as if his life depended on it. I couldn't tell what I was moaning from—the warm, wet pressure from Koa's mouth, or having Koa in mine. 

Koa's tongue swirled around my tip and then he blew onto it causing a shiver through my body. "I want to try something." He mumbled quickly before taking me into his mouth again.

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