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Koa's POV

Alcander was now tied up to a chair as we all stood around him and stared. Dieter standing in front of him and his face looks like he wants to kill. The only emotion this man had yet to show. Alcander was breathing heavily his eyes flickering around, but lingering on me. It was hard to see my friend sitting here before me and being the cause of my distress. 

Part of me thinks that if I talked to him, we could let him go without any punishment. But I knew that was not an option. At least not for Allister, and surely not for Dieter. This was the end for Alcander. That thought alone caused immense sadness in me.

"Do you always cause this much trouble?" Dieter's voice rumbles as he glared at Alcander. 

"Koa, you look good," Alcander spoke completely ignoring what Dieter said, which caused him to grunt.

I took a step closer and stood in front of him, his eyes trailed up my body and landed on my neck. I saw his energy shift almost immediately. His eyes darkened and he turned up his lip. I watched as his fangs dropped down and claws extend.

"You mated that fucker?" He growled out.

"Watch your mouth," I growled back, setting Allister on high alert. Not liking how he was speaking about our mate. 

"And you let Cristoff on the territory? After everything that has happened? I thought you were smarter than that." I rolled my eyes in annoyance and backed away. Giving Dieter the space to do as he pleases. 

"Look at your face...gnarly." Alcander chuckled but Dieter's face stayed blank and cold. He stood at full height and slowly began wrapping his hands around his neck. 

"Do you want to know anything else?" Dieter rumbled out as we watched his hand get tighter and tighter.

"Just give us a minute," I said quietly. Dieter reluctantly removed his hand from his neck and backed away. "Alone." 

Everyone gave me weary looks as the word left my mouth. But I gave a nod reassuring them that I would be okay. And slowly one by one they left the room. Leaving me and Alcander. I grabbed a chair and moved to sit in front of him, but not too close. His eyes tracked my every move as I did.

"What did you think was going to happen?" I asked gruffly.

"That'd you'd come to your senses. Realize that the moon goddess made a mistake." I scoffed at his idiotic comment. There is no reality where I would ever say that the moon goddess made a mistake. "Are you going to pretend that you had no idea that I was in love with you for all these years?"


"No, be honest. Deep down, you knew. And you loved it. You loved the attention I gave you. You loved the fact that I didn't have a mate either. You didn't want to be alone. And I know that, but don't pretend that you didn't take advantage of it."

Part of me wanted to deny everything that he said. I didn't know he had those feelings for me. But I also have to recognize that yes I was lonely. Especially after I turned nineteen and still had not found my mate. We both had bonded with the fact neither of us was mated. But it wasn't that I was using him. Or at least not on purpose.

"I can see where you might think that." Alcander scoffs at that and struggles against the ties that hold him down.

"For your information, I wasn't going to try and attack. I'm not that stupid. I just threatened it because I just wanted you. Your attention that's all." He sighed and continued. "I overtook Cristoff for you. If he'd still be in charge then this whole conversation would be different right now."

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