Twenty Two

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Koa's POV

I could feel the human's eyes on me. I won't lie and say I don't see it. But they don't matter to me. All that mattered to me was walking beside me; he smelled overwhelmingly delicious. Chocolate and Caramel, and my goddess did it make my mouth water. He looked delicious too. 

His big doe eyes would meet mine as I spoke as we walked through the fair. Or when eyes lingered on me for a second too long, he would see if I was looking. I never was. Why would I? When the most beautiful creature ever created was holding my hand? So tight might I add? 

"Okay let's do booths, then rides, and then we can end on the big one. The Ferris wheel!" Q was way too excited about this adventure. He was acting like a pup. 

There were two girls with Victoria but they immediately left to do their own thing, leaving the six of us alone. 

"Keep your phone on!" Tino yelled at his sister as she walked away. Victoria gave a thumbs up not even looking back. 

I recognized one of the girls that asked Tino to talk all those days ago when I came back. The night he growled at me. I'll never forget it. Or how painful it was. But it didn't take long for me to realize that she was the girl he must have slept with. The tension around them was thick. Though it hurt me like no other, I hadn't mentioned it. But I feel as if I might one day soon because my stomach was still covered in deep purple bruises and wasn't seeming to heal anytime soon. Same as Kona.

"You should have invited your other sisters'," Tino spoke his voice music to my ears.

"I did. Kendall wanted to be with her mate, and Khelani is yet to speak to me since returning." I don't know if he meant to, but I felt his hand squeeze mine and it caused a soft smile on my face as I continued. "She took Kona and I's leaving extremely hard." 

I had yet to make any progress in Khelani trusting me again. She kept to herself, hiding in her room, or leaving whichever one I was in. To say it broke my heart would be an understatement. I understand her demise toward me, I was just hoping it wouldn't last much longer. 

"She will come around. As long as you stay, and continue to show up. She will learn to trust you again." He mumbled it out, and I wouldn't have heard him if it wasn't for my hearing. One thing I have learned about Tino, and it seems to remain the same is that he does not do well with expressing himself. 

"I'm not going anywhere. I promise." I made sure my eyes found him, I wanted to see the sincerity that was flooding from them. His brown eyes were filled with apprehension, he was in a fight wanting to believe me, but not being irrational. I would have to prove to him tonight that I mean what I say, I will not leave him. I'd never do that again.

We stopped at the booth Q and the rest had. It was throwing rings around beer cans. Seems easy enough. The attendant eyed us weirdly as we approached, but her eyes lingered a little too much on Tino's.

"Hi there." A smile covered her face as if I wasn't standing here holding his hand. 

"How many tickets?" Tino's voice was flat but the girl's face lit up at his voice. He pulled his hand away from me when she answered, leaving me cold. 

I had also been a confident man. Or at least that's what I like to think. But knowing that Tino had and still has an attraction to women does hurt. I am the furthest thing from a woman. I can't help but think that Tino is not attracted to me. 

"Cool, I wanna play a round and I think the rest of my friends too," Tino spoke to the girl. Friends...yes. Her face lit up at the mention of friends. Which irked me to my core. It wasn't right. It was unnatural. He was not ever supposed to be my friend. He was made to be more than that. 

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