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(A.N reposting with picture of Koa! But imagine he had silver eyes lol)

Tino's POV

I had just showered the blood off of me, and I was now getting dressed for the day. Father told us that we had a meeting we had to attend today. I was hoping I could just go to my office and seclude myself.

I changed into something my father would find presentable, a white T-shirt, and dark-wash blue jeans that hung low on my hips. Showing off the band of my Calvin Klein boxers. I put on my silver chain and threw on my silver earrings and a bracelet.

Vin was already waiting for me as I walked out of my room. Some people looked at us weirdly, at the fact that were now pretty much inseparable. But we were the only ones that understood what we were going through. Plus neither of us talked much anymore, and silence had become our new best friend.

"What is this meeting about?" Q asked as he joined us on our walk to my father's office. Jonah was right beside him, holding hands. My heart ached at the sight.

"No idea," Vin answered for me. I don't know why but I was anxious, my heart beating fast. And Zay was stirring which was slightly uncomfortable. Seeing as his usual state has been dormant.

As we walked closer I started to feel extremely uncomfortable in my skin. Something was off. But that's when it hit me.

That smell.

That damned smell.


Sea salt.

It stopped me in my tracks, and Vin stopped in his. She must be here too.

It was calling me, his smell was pulling me to him. I hated it. But how I missed it so. It made me sick, and calm all at the same time. I wanted to roll in it and run from it. If I can smell him, then he can surely smell me.

I wanted to run away and go as far away from him as possible, but also I wanted to look at him, needed to look at him. I took a deep breath and put my hand on the door and pushed it open, putting on my blank face. He wasn't going to get anything from me.

His scent was heavy and thick. It slammed into me. I couldn't outrun it if I tried. My father was sitting behind his desk, with my mama next to him. Alpha Channing and his wife were sitting across from him. Khelani was leaning against the bookcase arms crossed, looking as if this was inconveniencing her. I remember seeing her in the halls at school, but once I graduated I never saw her again. She looked so much older and more mature. At the time she looked like her mother but now she favors her father a bit.

Kendall was right next to her, she looked pretty much the same, just older. But as my eyes scanned the room, I looked for him. Just to see for a second. On the opposite side of the office there he stood. He looked so much bigger... if that was even possible? His hair was long, I could tell even though it was put into a man bun. His face was sharper and more mature. His nose piercing was still there. The mole above his lip. And his gray eyes, which were boring into mine.

I had to fight the urge in me to go to him. I don't even know what I would even do. Hit him? Scream at him? Hug him? Have him hold me? I hated not knowing what to do and hated not having control.

I moved my eyes away from his and faced my father. The door closed behind us and both Vin and I stood unnaturally still. Afraid that if we moved...I don't know but I didn't want to find out.

"As you know there has been an uptake in rogues in our territory. This is because of their leader, which happens to be a rogue Lycan." That caught my attention. A rogue Lycan? I didn't even know that was possible.

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