Twenty One

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Tino's POV

I walked and Koa was leaning against his car so leisurely it made my heart lurch in excitement. He also looked deliciously...delicious. He was wearing a knit black loose, long-sleeve top. And dark wash jeans that hugged his tree trunk thighs. It made Zay stir slightly, which is always a good sign. 

"You're staring," Vincent whispered next to me.

"I'm not staring, you're staring." I retorted back and rolled my eyes.

"Why the hell would I stare at Koa? You're staring, admit it." 

"Your mom is staring." I huffed out and walked toward the car, wanting away from him. Koa's eyes were hot on my body as he trailed up and down my frame. 

"I didn't peg you as a jewelry man." He said with a ghost of a smirk dancing on his face.

"And I didn't peg you as a man that used 'lol'" I teased back at him and walked around to the passenger side of the car. I hopped in quickly and watched as Kona ran up to Vin and they wrapped their arms around each other. No hesitation between them. I was jealous. Part of me wished I was able to have that with Koa. But of course, things had to be hard and weird. Like him. 

What I mean by hard is not...that's not what I meant. I meant like physically. But not! No. Not his---I haven't even thought about that! 

Well, now I am. I am thinking about it hardcore now.

The door opened Kona and Vin jumped in the backseat, and Koa got in the driver.

"Let's go Koainda, we are gonna be late," Kona spoke up, making me raise my brow in curiosity. 

"Koainda?" I asked him, and I didn't miss how hard he gripped the steering wheel when I said it.

"Yes, it's my full name. Quite a mouthful if you ask me." 

"I like it. It's different. Koainda." I know I shouldn't have done that, but I liked teasing him. His hands gripped the steering wheel even tighter and I couldn't help the smirk that covered my face. He put the car in drive and we headed on our way.

"And I like yours Valentino, but you prefer to go with a nickname."

"Tino is a great nickname." I looked over at him slightly, and his eyes were focused on the road but I couldn't help the beauty that was Koa. He was just so damn handsome. It wasn't fair. Especially the mole that sat perfectly above his lip. I wanted nothing more than to lic-- no stop. Stop its mind. Right now. 

"Yes, but why not go by Val? Your brother goes by Vin, your sister goes by Vic. It only makes the most sense."

"Don't ever call me that nasty name." I could throw up just thinking about being called 'val' it just didn't fit. "That name is for an old Italian man. I'm Italian but I'm not old. Tino is better. Way better. Fucking Val, disgusting." I faked a gag and that caused Koa to chuckle slightly. 

"How did you find out about this fair?" Vincent asked me. I could feel myself getting mad at the fact he interrupted Koa and I's a bubble. 

"Unlike werewolves, Lycans like to integrate themselves into human society. So this way if we stumble upon one we know how to act towards them." I couldn't help but laugh at the slight jab he gave. "It's something I've known about for many years, and I thought others would have fun as well." He turned his head slightly and looked at me. Something was swimming in his eyes as he looked at me. "How was your trip?" And there it is. He knew I was lying. I'm sure it was that stupid mate bond. And also the fact that he stopped by my house to check on me and I was crying like a baby. 

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