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(A.N Koa at date night! Without the jacket tho lol)

Sexual Content

Tino's POV

I parked the car in the driveway of the house we would be staying in, went to the trunk, and brought out the bag I had packed for both of us.

Koa got out and I intertwined our hands as I pulled him inside. My heart raced with anticipation of what was to come. We ate the rest of dinner talking about random little things about each other, which I feel has just made our bond grow even more. Which I didn't think was even possible.

The house was a small one-bedroom but was cute and cozy with a fireplace. I didn't want anything big and wild. I wanted something that was going to feel intimate and real. And this place was it. Q had told me about it and how he and Jonah spent a lot of time here when they were first starting. He told me to promise him not to tell anyone else about it because they still like to come here on occasion.

We walked in and I put the bag down on the couch. Koa locked the front door and he walked further into the room and we made eye contact. All of a sudden this place felt too small as the intensity in Koa's eyes grew as he stared at me.

"Are you sure you're ready?" He asked me, still keeping the distance between us.

"I'm sure." Now was not the time for hesitation, I wanted Koa. And I wanted him to have me. Always.

He hummed in response and he leaned himself lazily against the wall he was standing beside. His eyes trailed my body from top to bottom. I bit my lip as I waited for what to do next.

"Take all your clothes off, Tino. Then lay on the bed."

I immediately listened and followed his guidance. I stripped the suit so fast that I'm sure I ripped off the buttons on the shirt. I stood in my boxers and just as I was about to get in bed Koa growled and I turn to him again.

"I said all." He pointed to my boxers and my dick twitched at the dominance. 

It was already hard. It had been hard all dinner, but now it was alive and needing to be touched.

I hooked my fingers in the band and I watched as Koa's eyes were glued to the bulge. His tongue shot out and licked his lips as I slowly took my boxers off. Once they hit the floor I could see Koa start to grow in his pants and I was itching to touch him.

"On the bed." His was now deep, low, and raspy. That's how I could always tell Koa was turned on. I did as he said and quickly. I climbed into the bed and lay flat on my back.

Koa moved closer, his eyes burning my skin as he did. My dick was leaking all over my stomach with precum as I waited for Koa to finally make a move.

"If I start...I'm not stopping until your mine. Do you understand Valentino?" He had started to slowly undress himself as he spoke.

"I understand." I choked out, knowing he likes verbal responses.

"Mmm, good boy." Before I knew it he was on top of me. Taking my mouth on his.

This kiss was searing hot and wild. I tried my best to keep up with his attack on me. He nipped and licked my bottom lip and I opened up for him. His tongue plunged into my mouth and devoured me. Taking what was his and what will only be his forever.

I was already panting at how hard we were kissing, and if this was already overwhelming I can't imagine how intense it will be once he is in me.

He moved from my lips to my neck and he bit and sucked on every single inch of it.

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