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Tino's POV

I thought it would be Koa leaning over the toilet from a night of drinking. But no. It's me. I'm throwing up and I didn't drink. In fact, Koa is still knocked the fuck out in the bed, snoring loud as ever. But it's now eight in the morning and I have been up since six...leaning over this damn toilet.

This could mean one thing--

'We're fucking pregnant.' Zay chimed in.

'Yeah, no shit.'

'We need to get a test.'

'How are we getting a test? Without Koa and raising suspicion?'

'Call Cynthia. Or Kona. Or even Tay. I'm sure they'd help.'

'Do you even think they are going to be awake? All of them were drinking like animals.'

I groaned as I positioned myself to sit on the floor and lean my head back on the wall. I grab my phone, go through my contacts, and call the first person I had hoped would be awake. The phone rang only twice before her lovely voice came through.

"Good morning, darling. I'm surprised you're up so early." Cynthia chuckled as I took a deep breath. I can't believe I am going to say this. "Oh goddess, what's wrong? I can feel it."

"Cynthia, I need your help." My voice was soft and my head pounding from dehydration.

" everything okay?"

"Um...I've been throwing up all morning and I had this feeling already--"

"Oh, my goddess! Tino! Are you telling me what I think you're telling me?" 

"Yes..." My voice frayed at the end and I waited for her response but she stayed silent for too long and it was causing me to worry. "Maybe, I don't know. I just need a test."

"You don't need a test, honey. You'll know. I'll even help you. Put your hand on your stomach and take a deep breath. Try to quiet your mind, and you'll feel the baby if it's there."

I set the phone down on the closed toilet seat and did as she said. It took a moment but once I did, I knew what she meant. There wasn't a heartbeat or anything but it was a slight difference in weight. And my senses had changed. But there was a baby there. There was a baby in me. 

"Tino? Everything okay?" Cynthia's voice spoke through the speaker but I was stuck. Tears were falling on my face as I sat stunned. 

I was pregnant. I was pregnant with Koa's baby. I slowly grabbed the phone and put it to my face and breathed a shaky breath.

"I should go." My voice was a whisper, I was still in shock. Also how the fuck was I going to tell Koa that I was pregnant but I couldn't even tell him I loved him?

"Okay, call me later if you need anything." I hung up the phone and sat it back on the ground. But I didn't move. I just stayed there.

And I supposed I had sat here long enough for Koa to wake up and get worried when he couldn't find me.

"Tino? Where are you?" I couldn't even answer him if I tried.

I heard him walking through the room and finally made his way to the bathroom. He swung the door open and he saw me sitting there. A look of confusion covered his face as he squatted down in front of me. I'm sure I stunk from how much I threw up, plus the tears. I knew I was a mess.

"What's wrong, dolcezza? Tell me I will fix it." I met his gray eyes and a wide smile covered my face as I stared at him.

All the worries immediately left as I looked at the man in front of me. I had nothing to fear when it came to raising a child. Or even giving birth. I had nothing to fear in telling this man I loved him. I had nothing to fear at all because he was here with me.

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