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Tino's POV

15 years later

"Fucking hell! Watch it!" Ezra yelled to his brother Sloan as he accidentally crashed into him. He was too busy running around to notice Ezra was there. The rest of the kids followed him, and I sat in Koa's arms on the couch as we watched them all running around. Well, all except for Eliezer, who was sitting in my lap.

Koa and I had six kids. Six fucking kids. 

Who would have thought fifteen years ago, after Ezra we would have popped out so many more?

Ezra was our oldest he just turned 15 and was strictly lycan. Then we had Sloan three years later, who is 12, and he surprised us. Not only with me getting pregnant, but he was a tiger. Then two years later, we had the twins Ambrose and Florence who are now 10. Florence also surprised us when we found out she was a tiger since female tigers are even rare than male ones. And Ambrose was a lycan. Then our youngest two, at five years old, Eliezar and Delany. Delany was also a lycan, but Eliezar, well he was a wolf. But not just a wolf, a runt. An omega. 

That was the biggest surprise. We didn't know what to make of it, or what to do. We were used to having strong and capable children, not saying he isn't those things. He still is, just in a different way. He didn't look like an omega, at all. He was still big for his age, and I blame that on his father's genes. But he was smaller than the rest of his siblings.

But we loved him all the same. All of us were just incredibly protective over him. 

But after him, we decided that we were done. No more. We already had a full house. Plus I hadn't realized just how different things were when it came to raising a lycan and a tiger. 

Tigers were more lone creatures, unless they grow up in pack life they prefer to live without it or be around their own. This explains why Sloan and Florence were so close, and always found themselves separated from everyone at times. 

Tigers are also unruly in their strength, something that Florence struggles with. She doesn't like how she is stronger than most of the boys she encounters. I just hope her mate is strong enough for her. Though they are more solitary creatures, their personalities do not match their biology. Both of them were full of bubbly personalities, and warm and welcoming. 

Ezra was the same in a sense, but he was more reserved with who he showed himself too. One of them being, Dieter's eldest son, Carter. They were best friends. And of course, Koa loved that. So did Sloan. He was crazily obsessed with the kid, who knows why. 

Ambrose was also more reserved. He kept to himself and was quiet most days. He reminds me of Koa when we first met. Stone has a cold face, is unmoving, no idea what he is thinking. He is his father's son. 

Delany was a sweetheart, she was the perfect mix between the two of us. Everyone else looked a lot like one or the other. She might be a sweetheart, but she was the boss of everyone in this house. 

Sometimes I still can't believe this was real, and my life. Four boys, and two girls. And Koa and I have been together for almost 16 years now. 

"Sloan, catch!" Ezra threw a ball across the living room to his brother, who caught it with ease.

"Ambrose, catch!" Sloan said as he threw the ball to him. He was sitting on the couch looking unamused as always. But he caught it quickly with a soft smile on his face.

"He's quick with it!" Ezra yelled as he jumped on Ambrose and started tickling him. Ambrose did what he could to fight him off, but he eventually gave in and smiled. If there was one person in this world that could loosen up that kid, it's Ezra.

"Why are throwing a ball in the house?" Koa finally asked the million-dollar question.

"Because you haven't told us not to," Sloan said with a shrug. 

"Oh, I have to tell you not to do something for you to not do it?" Koa said with a laugh looking at his boys.

"We don't make the rules pops," Ezra said with a smile on his face as he threw the ball to Koa who caught it with his free hand before it hit my face.

"Watch it," I growled out.

"Sorry Dad, my fault." Koa threw the ball back to Ezra as he gave me another apologetic look. But he didn't stop, I didn't think he would either.

This is how we spent most weekend days. All the kids were in school, Eli and Delany only for half a day but still. Most times we had as a whole family was Sunday. 

And it was filled with moments like these and it was perfect. 

Completely and utterly perfect.


Until the next...

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