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Koa's POV

We walked in silence, and I kept my distance. Khelani was stiff with excitement. All too ready to see her mate. 

The rest of dinner went smoothly, Khelani buzzing the whole time ready to leave. She ran to her room and cleaned it quickly before changing and now here we are. Almost to the edge of the territory where her mate, my old foe, will meet us.

"Could you hide? So he doesn't get freaked out?" She asked but still not looking back at me.

"Sure." Even though I didn't find it necessary, he'd be able to smell me as soon as he got close but I respected her wishes.

She motioned to a tree and I went behind it and hide myself. It was dark but our vision adjusted and I was able to see clearly. Khelani took a few more steps forward towards the edge and she waited. I could feel her nerves and anticipation. I was also on edge, a rogue could pop up out of nowhere and attack.

I knew I had to stay diligent. I also knew Tino was probably pacing the room waiting for me to get back and won't rest until he is in my arms. And I'll show him just how much him telling me he trusts me, means to me. 

I heard the crunch of a branch and Khelani went still but a smile covered her face. Through the thickness I saw Cristoff make his way through, his eyes glued to my sisters as he stood at the edge of the territory line.


"Stop. Before you start, I have news for you." She took a deep breath and continued. "You have been granted solace at the pack, in return for the information of the new rogue leader. You can stay with me, and we will keep you safe!" The words tumbled out of her so much so I can see that it was hard for Cristoff to follow along.

But then his eyes flicked to the tree I was standing behind and he stood up taller.

"Koa, good to see you old friend." I took a deep breath and moved from behind the tree slightly and looked at him from afar. I kept my comments to myself because this was not about me, it was about Khelani and her mate.

"You can come and we can be together." Her voice was low and desperate, making me want to drag Cristoff by his neck. 

"Is this real? Have I been granted solace?" He asked me, his gaze still firm toward me.

"For information, yes." I nodded and he took a deep breath and looked back at Khelani.

"I can't just leave, he will know," Cristoff said, agony evident on his face.

"Who?" I asked but he didn't answer. "Does this man know you are Khelani's mate?"

"No, no one knows about Lani. I've made sure of it." He sighed and ran his hands through his hair. "If I come, you're going to need help. I know a guy who could." 

Many questions ran through my mind but I knew I should wait before I interrogated him. But this whole thing has gone on too long and I needed it to be over.


"The name is Dieter. He is an alpha on the East Coast. He is a beast in every sense of the word. And he is the only one that could help." 

Dieter. I had never heard of that name before, but maybe there is a reason I hadn't. But if he caused fear or doubt in this new leader then I'd welcome him with open arms.

"Okay," He looked hesitant but took a step closer. "Let's go. No one knows I've left. No time like the present."

Khelani jumped in excitement and let out a low squeal. The moment he crossed the threshold he would not be able to go back. Nor would I let him do that to my sister. 

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