Ch 11: Bandit Attack pt 2

825 28 39

Date: December, 2023

Italica South Wall Gate

Maverick's Pov

As I start putting the first mag in and lock and load the SCAR and later head up the to wall. Pusley is looking through his binos, as well as Itami and then myself.

Itami: You guys see what I see.

Clarks:*taking aim* Yep.

Me: Wait-

Clarks fires two shots at the two watching us. All that's left of them was a headless body.

Towson:*rushing in* Reaper, what happen?

Clarks: Scouts. Two battalions behind 'em too. Not sure if they're coming here though. So notify everyone else.

Pusley:*sighs* Your right about that, Clarks. Just.......don't blow our eardrums.

Itami: Well, they're what's left of the guys we defeated back at Alnus. So they might try something.

Towson: 2,000 guys is somewhat enough to attack the city at once. And they'll stand out on that limestone on the northern cliffs.

Me: I'd say best routes are probably going to be the west, north or the east gates. And you know where that puts us.

Itami: Yeah...just sittin' here on our butts. We're the only ones playing the decoy. This gate was already damaged during their prior engagement.

Pusley: So the princess is assuming if they see the seventeen of us here. They'll attack, once they get past us, they'll run into her secondary line. Yeah what the fuck is this bullshit.

Fernandes:*coming up* You just said it. A bullshit plan of hers, but we decided to have a good amount of us at every gate wall.

Me: So we're just gonna sit here with our thumbs up our asses. And shoot at at anyone stupid enough to show up. Oh, hey put out those fires and get your NVGs out. It starting to get dark now.

Just like I said it starting to get dark as we prepare for a night raid just in case.

Itami: Thomas, see what we can do about keepin' the bad guys on the other side.

Thomas: Roger that.*to Sato* Sato! We'll use the Mk 19 on the JLTV.

Sato: Right yea.

Rory leaning against the wall behind us.

Rory: Itami, Maverick dear?

Itami: Huh?

Me:*pulling up NVG* Yeah?

Rory: Why are you two helping the princess of the Empire that attacked your homeland?

Me: To protect the people of this town, Rory.

Itami: What Mav said.

Rory: You two really mean it?

Me: Of course, I did.

Itami: Yeah, I mean why wouldn't we?

Rory: And Maverick. Both you and the Marines homeland was not attacked but you wish to help anyways. Why is that?

Me: When your friend's in trouble you help them. America and Japan have been allies for seventy-one years. Also, these people had nothing to do with the attack and are just caught up in it all. Plus, I'm half Japanese, half American. So I'm technically protecting and serving two of my homelands.

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