Ch 30: Memories and diplomats

414 20 24

Date: May, 2021

David Fernandes' Pov

Afghanistan: Kandahar's highway

We're out an a routine patrol approaching an large town, I ride shotgun in the second Humvee with three others behind us. Johnny Cash's "Ring of Fire" is playing on one of my marine's Bluetooth speaker.

The sun beat down mercilessly, casting stark shadows across the rugged landscape of Afghanistan.

I glanced out the window, scanning the horizon for any signs of trouble, my grip tightening on the handle above the door. The tension was palpable, a constant companion on these patrols, but the music provided a welcome distraction, a brief respite from the harsh reality of our surroundings.

The town loomed ahead, a cluster of mud-brick buildings huddled together against the backdrop of the arid desert. As we approached, I signaled to the driver, and he slowed the vehicle to a crawl, eyes darting warily from side to side.

We passed through the outskirts of the town, the streets eerily quiet in the midday heat. Every shadow seemed to conceal potential danger, every corner held unseen threats. But we pressed on, vigilant and alert, our senses tuned to the slightest hint of trouble.

The song on the radio faded into the distance as we continued our patrol, the familiar refrain of "I fell into a burning ring of fire" echoing in my mind. In this unforgiving land, surrounded by uncertainty and danger, it felt like we were indeed walking through fire, navigating the perilous path between life and death.

But we were Marines, trained to face adversity head-on, to stand firm in the face of danger. And as we rumbled along the dusty highway, I knew that together, we would overcome whatever challenges lay ahead, united by our duty and our unwavering resolve.

Suddenly some shots wiz past our vehicle.

Driver: Contact front!

MARSOC Captain: All Victors halt!

All of the vehicles halt as I look at my CO.

Me: Why'd we stop, sir?

MARSOC Captain: That was just some pot shots, LT. They're trying to draw us into an ambush stand by.

Saber:*radio* Crusader this is Saber, do you copy, over.

MARSOC Captain: This is Crusader 2-1 Actual, send traffic over.

Saber:*radio* Crusader, proceed into town and clear it out, over.

MARSOC Captain: Solid copy, Saber. Interrogative, the enemy could have already set an ambush break...Request permission to bypass? Over.

Saber:*radio* Negative, Crusader. Proceed into town and clear out all hostiles. Out

MARSOC Captain: Copy, out. Fuck!*slams radio* That fucking POG of a Lieutenant Colonel wants to score some glory for his first time out on the field!

Me: What's the call Capt. Razor?

Razor(MARSOC Captain) put in a call on the radio to the rest of the MARSOC platoon.

Razor: All Crusader Victors, this is Crusader 2-1 Actual. Move forward and prepare to engage...

Me:*sighed and nods* Alright Marines, ready up and prepare for contact.

We proceed forward. As the first vehicle enters the town. A massive explosion sent the Humvee ten feet in the air, slams into the ground, and it's on fire!

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