Ch 23: Emotions of 2 Marines

727 25 35

December, 2023

Maverick's Pov

Risa's Apartment

Everyone goes inside and gets comfortable Lelei and Tuka are amazed at all the books and "stuff" Risa has, Rory is freaking out over a porcelain doll, and Pina and Bozes are looking at one of Risa's "stuff" featuring homo-erotica but I digress. Itami and Mina explains the situation to Risa while she eats and Tomita, David, and Anthony keeps watch.

Itami:...and that's why we're here. 

Risa: Coming here was an awful idea.

Mina: Yes, we know. So please, Risa-chan?

Risa:*sighs* Okay...There's nothing about this to justify getting me mixed up in something so dangerous.

David: That's right. She might be your ex, Itami. But she's still a civilian. And we all know what that means if something happens to her.

Anthony: I second that, plus a lot of guys and gals I know would rather go back to Syria than their exes.

Kurokawa: On top of that it probably wasn't a good idea to lose the Bureau guy.

Me: We still have the CIA guy. But he's probably tied up with what's going on too.

Mina: Yeah, well we keep running into all these problems whenever Mr. Creepy Pants and the other two guts with him are around.

Itami: So then you think he might be the moe?

Mina: Hmm. Probably not, but probably someone close to him. Or someone within the CIA.

Tomita: Or he might've been followed.

Shino: Not likely, Tomita. If he was followed someone would be kicking in that door right now. And probably get killed by one of us, but it'll blow our cover and reveal our location.

Risa: Excuse me... I'd kinda prefer if nothing kooky happens here at my house. I have got a deadline to meet!

Anthony:*raises eyebrow* Kooky?

David: Yeah, what does she mean by "kooky"?

Risa: You know, crazy, strange, bizarre... The last thing I need is for my ex-husband and his military friends to bring danger and chaos into my home.

Rory had found another item in the apartment that caught her attention, a quirky little trinket, and she started to play with it. The atmosphere in the room seemed tense, filled with unease and uncertainty.

Itami: I promise we won't stay long, Risa. As soon as we can figure things out, we'll be out of your hair.

Mina: Just give us a little time, and we'll make sure everything's okay.

Risa nodded, though still somewhat wary of the situation. She hoped that us her unexpected guests would keep our word and not bring any more "kooky" incidents to her doorstep.

Risa: Fine, but if anything goes wrong, it's your responsibility.

With this tentative agreement, we settled in Risa's apartment, keeping watch and discussing our next steps. The mysteries surrounding the Bureau guy and the potential mole in National Defense Intelligence weighed heavily on our minds, and we knew we had to tread carefully to unravel the truth.

Short Timeskip

Later on, everyone tries getting some sleep. I try to as well but I just can't after everything that was going on right now. I can hear Tomita, Anthony and Risa talking.

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