Ch 16: I my be single, but I'm not THAT single

939 25 19

Date: December, 2023

Italica Castle Living Room, Italica

3rd Pov

Bozes and Panache stand before Pina discussing their next move.

Pina: Bozes...Panache...You have attacked officers of the Japan Self Defense Force and United States Marine Corps. You treated Master Itami and Kuribayashi in a less than hospitable way and endangered their lives. This is a violation of our treaty. These people possess the power to fight off a Flame Dragon. So imagine what would happen if they decided to declare war, wouldn't be good I assure you. The Empire would fall!

Bozes & Panache: Yes, Your Majesty.

Pina: It is on both of you to make them forget this ever happened. Kuribayashi was about offer a suggestion to me but collapsed. So you're both going to have to offer those two men your bodies.

Bozes and Panache shiver at the thought.

Pina: I know, it's degrading. But you will do whatever it takes to make those two happy.

Bozes and Panache both look at each other.

Bozes: We are daughters of nobility, Your Majesty. 

Panache: And we understand what it takes to protect the realm.

Bozes: We will do what must be done.


Italica Castle Guest Room, Italica

Maverick's Pov

5th Recon got inside the city and into the mansion, apparently Tuka used her magic to put the wall sentries to sleep and the maids let them into the mansion.

And nearly got killed by Takahashi as she managed to sneak up on them. But Towson and Fernandes held her back before she could spill blood.

The unit rest their weapons on the ground, without the magazine in and the safety on and start mingling. And just as I predicted Kurata absolutely loses his shit over Persia. Lucky, Thomas kept a close eye on him.

Kurata: Uh... ma'am! Corporal Takedo Kurata repor-*gets elbowed by Thomas* milady! I am Twenty-one years old and single! My hobbies are anime and dou-*gets elbowed by Thomas* I mean! It's a pleasure to meet you!*bows*

Thomas:*facepalms* Oh my Lord.....

Persia just giggles at that.

Thomas: I'll be damn.

Shino is by my side and Mamina comments the way we handled ourselves during the battle. Kurokawa also checks on my condition.

Mamina: The way you both and those three fought those bandits was astounding! I really mean it! I totally saw everything!

Takahashi: Nah...It wasn't that great! I had my fare share of fights.

Mamina: You bit a guy's head off.

Kurokawa: She what?

Me: Ignore her for your safety and mental health. Shino, if you had done that same hardcore bad ass shit you pulled back there and you were in the Marine Corps! I would recommended you for the Medal of Honor!

Shino: Says the guy who mowed them down with a SCAR-L GL! Anyway, how's your wound, bro?

Me: It would feel better if you kissed it.*chuckles*

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