Ch 20: Diet meeting Pt. 2

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Date: December, 2023

Maverick's Pov

National Diet Building Committee Room, Chiyoda City, Tokyo

Rory:*inhales* ARE YOU A GODDAMN IDIOT?!

The mic feedback was so loud everyone is holding their ears except for David, Anthony, Mina and I. Our hearing is already used to loud noises.

Kōhara: Huh...what..excuse me?

Rory: I believe you heard my question. You're probably asked that a lot.

She folds her veil back.

Rory: Little Miss Thing.*giggles*

Sick burn Rory. But where'd learn that-

I look at Itami who silently giggling and looked at Towson who is trying his best not to smile.

Kōhara: You understood me.

Rory: Well, look who just caught up. I assume what you really want know is how Itami, Maverick and their people fought against the dragon, am I right?

Kōhara is stunned by that statement. Or the clapback she's about to receive.

Rory: They did everything they could... and then some. They did not hide in their carriages nor behind civilians. I tell you they did nothing of the sort.

Kōhara: Uh..I

I took notice of the American, Russian, Chinese, Korean and Filipino government officials smiling a bit.

Rory: Let's get to the point shall we? There are times when a soldier or a marine must protect their own life. You sit here safe and comfortable, and accuse others of being cowards. If you ask me you're the coward Little Miss Thing.


Anthony:*quietly* My nigga you just got roasted!

David:*quietly laughing* Clap back, she gon' clap back!

Mina was heard quietly laughing.

A/N: Can I get a "Fuck Kōhara!"?

3rd Pov

7th Combat Squad HQ, Liberty-Prime Base

All the Deep Recon and Surveillance units were watching the Diet Meeting on a large flat screen TV.

The JSDF and USMC:

Raymond:*laughing* Oh my God!

Trevor:*chuckling* Damn Rory!

Kurata, Katsumoto, Michael, Kiyo, Edward, Sasagawa, Sarah, Hill, Diamond, Thomas, Williams and Maria:

Maverick's Pov

National Diet Building Committee Room, Chiyoda City, Tokyo

Kōhara:*eye twitching* What did you call me?

Rory: They faced a flame dragon...and lived to tell the tale. So you should offer them praise for pulling off such a feat. You demonstrate a rather creative way of manipulating numbers to make them look a certain way don't you?

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