Ch 22: His what?

760 26 35

December, 2023

Maverick's Pov

Tokyo Subway Station, Japan

After the deliberation Anthony, David, Mina, Itami, and I got in our casual winter clothes and headed to the subway. The bus we used to get to the Diet Building is now a decoy. Apparently somebody out there is interested in us. The train arrives and the door opens and it surprises the girls.

Lelei: It's opened.

Anthony: Yes, it did, Lelei.

Anthony, David, Mina, Itami, and I enter the train. Well...Anthony and I had to duck our heads as the train wasn't built for people over 6ft tall.

Itami: Let's get going guys!

David: Come on in. We don't have a lot of time!

Tuka and Lelei rush in but Rory is hesitant and Itami and Mina pulls her in as the doors shut and the train begins to move. As we notice onlookers prying eyes on us. Anthony and Mina glare at them making them the onlookers look somewhere else besides us.

Itami: Geez, I look like one of those shady internet talent scouts.

Me: Could be worse... You could be one of those shady Hollywood talent scouts.

Mina: More like you look like a possible pedo.

Me and Itami:..........

I noticed David and Anthony are holding in a fit of laughter.

Itami: Why must you hurt my feelings this way, Takahashi?

Mina:*smiles* Because it's fun.

Tomita: Lieutenants! Captain!

We look over to see Tomita, Kurokawa and Shino in casual winter clothes along with Pina and Bozes.

I blush a bit seeing Kurokawa.

Itami: Hey. Good work, man.

Tomita: Almost didn't make it. I wasn't aware that the bus was a decoy...I got lucky back there.

Me: Well...we got everyone back together so it's all good in a way.

Shino: Maybe for you five, but not for them. They're scared to death of the tunnel. I mean, they keep saying something about being dragged into the abyss.

Anthony: Sounds like a brother of mine talking about his bad girlfriend.

Itami: It's everyone's first time on a subway, Just give 'em a chance.

Me: Plus we have these four.

Itami: Four?

Me: Takahashi, Towson, Fernandes, and Rory.

Itami: Oh.

The train bumps and Bozes leans on Tomita.

Bozes: Pardon me.

Tomita: It's fine.

Kurokawa and Shino gives me a knowing look as I have a shit-eating grin now.

A/N: Tomita and Bozes, sitting in a tree~

The train bumps again and Rory clings to Anthony.

Itami:*concerned for Rory* What's the matter, you okay?

Rory: No. It's just that the underground reaches to Hardy's territory!

Anthony:*raised eyebrow* Really?

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