Ch: 28 Extra troops in the Recons

526 17 15

Date: February, 2024

3rd Pov

Alnus Hill: Liberty-Prime Base, General's Office

The four military leaders began their discussions, delving into the details of the joint operation, sharing intelligence, and discussing logistical aspects. They outlined plans for deployment, rules of engagement, and ways to coordinate their forces effectively in the Special Region.

Hazama: We aim to maintain peace and security in the region while respecting the sovereignty of the nations involved.

Baker: Our primary objective is to prevent any further incidents that might escalate tensions or cause harm to civilians or our forces.

Volkov: The Russian contingent is ready to support these efforts. Our experience and capabilities are at your disposal.

Wheng: Likewise, the PLA is committed to ensuring stability in the Special Region. We've prepared our troops for deployment under the joint operation.

The meeting continued, focusing on ironing out the details of their collaboration, building mutual trust, and establishing a cohesive plan that would allow for effective cooperation among the Russian, Chinese, and JSDF forces.

Hazama: Gentlemen, I believe our meeting has set the foundation for a successful joint operation. I look forward to our combined efforts.

Baker: Agreed. Working together will undoubtedly yield positive outcomes for everyone involved.

Volkov: Thank you for your hospitality and cooperation. Together, we will handle this situation in the Special Region.

Wheng: It's an honor to collaborate with you all. Our troops stand ready for the mission ahead.

With a mutual understanding and shared objectives, the leaders concluded their meeting, prepared to deploy their joint forces to address the new GATE and its potential implications in the Special Region.

Baker: Also, you two want to have a joint-force on our twelve deep recon and surveillance units, right?

Volkov and Wheng nodded as Baker and Hazama pull out the files of twelve deep recon and surveillance units. Volkov and Wheng does the same with their twelve deep recon and surveillance units. As they began selecting which unit would work together perfectly, Volkov pulled out the file Seventh Deep Recon and Surveillance unit. Or Captain Han Zheng and 1st Lieutenant Svetlana Herzog unit.

Volkov: I believe these would work well with your Fifth Deep Recon and Surveillance unit.

Baker and Hazama looked at the file and names of the Russian/Chinese Seventh Deep Recon and Surveillance unit led Captain Han Zheng and 1st Lieutenant Svetlana Herzog.

Hazama:*raising an eyebrow* You want to have your unit work with 5th Deep Recon team that is led by Captain Maverick Kuribayashi, 1st Lieutenants Yōji Itami, Sarah Lockwood, Anthony Towson, David Fernandes and Mina Takahashi?

Volkov: Да.

Wheng: 恰恰。

As the discussion turned towards coordination between specific reconnaissance units, the leaders delved deeper into the operational details. Baker, Hazama, Volkov, and Wheng meticulously went through the profiles of each unit, considering compatibility, skill sets, and the dynamics that could lead to effective collaboration.

Volkov: Captain Zheng and 1st Lieutenant Herzog have demonstrated exemplary skills in deep recon. They're versatile and have experience operating in diverse environments.

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