Ch 21: Meanwhile with Russia & China

763 24 23

December, 2023

3rd Pov

The Moscow Kremlin Presidential office in Red Square, Moscow, Russian Federation

A day after the Diet meeting, we see the Russian President Boris Zyuganov doing some paperwork.

He was lucky to become the President of Russia. Because thanks to the former Russian President Vladimir Putin for selecting him as his successor during mid January of 2022.

And the first thing that Zyuganov did as President. Is to have Putin arrested and charged with the amount crimes he committed both before and after he became the Russian President.

Zyuganov wanted to be on good terms with the West and Europe. He also wanted to make the Russian people happy and more open.

The world would be watching closely to see how these changes would impact Russia's role on the global stage.

As he was working, he thought about the GATE again.

Zyuganov: Те японцы и американцы. Почему бы им просто не уничтожить Врата? Но опять же... что будет, если он появится в Москве? И те трое из GATE. Тука Луна Марсо, Рори Меркьюри и Лелей ла Лалена. А что, если есть нетронутые ценные ресурсы, такие как старые, железная руда, уголь и многое другое?(Those Japanese and Americans. Why don't they just destroy the Gate? But then again...what would happen if one appears in Moscow? And those three from the GATE. Tuka Luna Marceau, Rory Mercury and Lelei la Lalena. And what if there are untouch valuable resources like old, iron ore, coal, and more?)

Zyuganov leaned back in his chair thinking about the entire situation. Knowing that it was a pivotal moment for Russia's foreign policy. He understood that the GATE presented both opportunities and challenges that required a nuanced approach.

On one hand, Russia could establish diplomatic relations with the Special Region and potentially gain access to valuable resources, including rare minerals and magical knowledge. This could bolster Russia's economy and technological advancements.

On the other hand, the presence of the GATE posed a significant security risk. If unchecked, it could become a conduit for hostile forces or terrorists to enter Russian territory. Zyuganov couldn't ignore the potential threat to national security.

As he reviewed the reports from Russian intelligence agencies, Zyuganov considered the stance of other world powers, particularly the United States and China. He knew that Russia's response to the GATE would affect its relationships with these major players on the global stage.

Zyuganov's advisors presented various options, from establishing a peaceful exchange of knowledge and resources with the Special Region to launching a military operation to secure the GATE. Each option had its advantages and drawbacks, and the Russian president weighed them carefully.

Ultimately, President Zyuganov understood that a comprehensive strategy was needed—one that would balance economic interests, national security, and diplomacy. He decided to convene a meeting with his top foreign policy and military advisors to discuss potential courses of action and chart a path forward for Russia's stance on the GATE.

It was then a FSB Agent rushes in with sweat drenching his face as if he ran a mile.

Zyuganov: В чем проблема?(What's the problem?)

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