Ch 14: But wut de ass?

907 24 19

Date: December, 2023

Italica Castle/Formal Clan Mansion

Maverick's Pov

The JSDF and USMC are helping clean up the area. Such as policing the dead, clearing rubble, and providing security. Itami, Rakaki, Towson, and I are back at the castle with Sanchez, Tomita, Tuka, Rory, and Lelei negotiating a treaty and I noticed Itami has a black eye.

Towson:*whisper* But wut de ass happened to your eye?

Itami:*whisper* Rory punched me.

Me:*whisper* What the fuck did you do to her?!

Itami:*whisper* I accidentally groped her boob while carrying her away earlier. 

Towson & I:*whisper* Oh, okay.

Pina's subordinate Hamilton reads the conditions of a treaty

Hamilton: To show your appreciation for your assistance here. We'd like to negotiate a fair and equitable compensation. Article two is regarding all envoys and their safe passage, as well as their expenses. And Article three is regarding trade privilege with shopkeepers on Alnus Hill, tariffs are hereby waived. However, we would like to make it clear that we possess the right to the captives. 

Lelei: We understand that human resources are necessary for Italica's recovery. However they want to assurance that the captives are treated well and humanely.

Hamilton:*confused* Treat the captives humanely?

Lelei: Like a friend or a relative, someone familiar not treated as animals or slaves.

Hamilton: Would friends and relatives attack? Taking up arms against a peaceful town completely unprovoked, looting and butchering them?!


Lelei: This is their requirement.

Hamilton: Hmm. Very well then this will be all regarding the treatment of captives. The rest of the provisions address conditions for withdrawal of your troops.

Lelei: No objections as it's been written.

Hamilton turns to Pina and nods her head.

Hamilton: Then the terms have been agreed upon.


En Route back to Alnus Hill

The JSDF and USMC withdrew its forces from Italica and the people we're grateful for the assistance. The girls got to conduct their business there. The JSDF and USMC took a few captives mostly women including a woman with bird features that Rakaki recognized as the one who jammed our shit. But him and his unit left earlier before us.

And I don't know why Itami picked them out and why did I agreed. Now we're heading back to Alnus. And we are all exhausted. Except these three Demon Dogs(Towson, Fernandes & Takahashi).

Itami:*yawns* Good grief, I'm worn out.

Me:*stretches* You tellin' me, didn't think I'd be going all Rambo and Schwarzenegger back there.

Kurata: You are not kidding, sirs. We heard it was rough out there.

Itami: And I didn't get a whole lot of sleep last night anyway. You can just kill me now.

Takahashi:*chuckles* Is that a serious offer?

Itami:*scared* No...

Then Kurata slams on the brakes and everyone jolts forward and Williams hits his helmet on his M249 stock.

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