-Chapter One-

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You sat up in a startle. You never had nightmares... unless you were nervous about something. What was it you were nervous about anyways?

Oh! Today your boss told you that something new would be added to your route. You hadn't been there before, so it made you nervous. Vanessa couldn't help you, no nightguard could.

No nightguard had ever been down the path you were going. And if any had, they were gone. Either by death, getting fired, or just quitting. So this would be a test regarding the area.

You looked at your clock and saw it read 11 in the morning. Just great. You planned on sleeping the whole day. Since you might need it later. Your boss did say that overtime might happen. Sleeping during the shift wasn't an option either... sadly.

Well, might as well get started with your day. You turn on your phone and looked at the list you had planned out.

• Get More Groceries
• Refuel Car
• Buy New Clothes
• Get Ready For Work
• Don't Fucking Die

Great list. The last one was always on the list. As there have been many reports of nightguards dying during their shifts.


The time was half an hour before your shift. You had just entered the Pizzplex, and your boss was showing the new route. The old one would still be there, apart from the area at Rockstar Row. Yeah, that would be taken from you. How nice.

"This is the Daycare, your new routed area," she explained to you. As she spoke you brought the words she said to the brain. "Now, there's two animatronics that stays in this area. They go by, Sun and Moon."

"Oh? Well, they should be fine then, this is a Daycare after all," you say. Diana, your boss, gave you an odd look.

She took a quick deep breath before looking around. She seemed to be making sure no one was watching. Then, she leaned to you and said, "The other nightguards that worked in this area were all killed by Moon."

"I don't believe you," you said with a hand on your hip. You looked at your watch and saw it was just about time to clock in. So, you do just that.

"You will once you're reaching Death himself," she said with an eye-roll. She turned around and began to walk away. "Remember! The Daycare area is at the end of your shift!"

"I know that!" you yelled at her. With a groan, you walked away toward the first area where you do your job, Roxy Raceway.

Although, you couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. You wondered why that was.

The first chapter is made in this new book!

I have nothing to say, but if you have anything to say, go ahead.

Now then, please leave and have a great Day/Night/Evening, my fellow weirdos!

484 Words

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