-Chapter Twelve-

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TW: Violence

Moon let out a small chuckle. "You asked for it~"

He pulled you closer to him and stared at you. He still had that tight grip on you, only getting tighter.

"I know just the perfect punish-" he began but was only interrupted by Sun's brief voice, saying, "Moon! You're going to kill them!"

"Shut up," you heard him grumble. He then looked back at you, a harsh look in his eyes. "Ready or not, it's time for your punishment~"

He then pushed you to the ground. You tried to brace yourself, using your hands. That only ended with you having a sprained wrist. You mumbled a swear under your breath. You looked up quickly and saw Moon as he approached you slowly, yet quickly at the same time. He then quickly crouched down in front of you. His hand moved over your cheek, slightly cutting it with his sharpened nails.

"Hn..." you inaudibly groan. Moon stopped moving his hand for a solid second. He stared at you, seemingly trying to register what noise you just made.

A faint smirk formed on his face. His hand went downward, to your stomach area. He placed his hand and curled it, cutting into the skin.

"Hng..." This groan was much louder than the one before. Moon looked at you, smirk growing wider.

"My, my~," he said as he traced his nails along your skin even more. "You seem to like this, don't you?~"

"No, I don't," you reply instantly. This was indeed a lie, you did like it. The feeling was...nice to say the least.

"Starlight~ you know I hate when people lie. That's how you got into this predicament," he said as he dug his nails a little deeper.

"Fine...I enjoy this..." you grumbled. You hated to admit things like this. It made you feel like you were being forced into a submissive state.

You heard Moon chuckle. It warmed your heart weirdly enough. As you feel him cut into your skin, you give a few moans and groans. Then, you realized, his tracing was in a certain way. Almost like he was spelling out a word or two. Once you felt his hand move from your stomach, you look down. Thank God you knew how to read upside down. With little struggle, you saw it read, "Starlight". It wasn't big enough to cover your whole stomach, but big enough to be seen without having to get close.


I look at myself. Thinking about everything. I get angry and then I punch the mirror in front of me. The person who was behind me grabbed my shoulders and whispered harsh words into my ears.

I tried to ignore it all, but it's hard when they don't let you move. This has happened before. And this wasn't a nightmare, nor a dream. Rather, it was a thought put into an image of sorts.

The one who had punched the mirror wasn't me. Well, it was, but not as of now. It was a past version of me. And that one behind me was me. Every shitty thought I've ever had gets put into this...world thing... I get reminded of this all the time. And it bothers me. Every mistake, every bad thought, everything negative that people say to me. It all reoccurs, even if it was years since it had passed by.

I looked at the broken shard of glass that lay on the floor. I pick one up and trace my finger along the edges, seeing which piece can cut skin with the least amount of pressure. Once I find one, I hold it and then I run it along the cuts that lie upon my stomach. I then move the shard under my skin and remove every single thing.

Except, this time... this time it changed. I typically wake up after this, to make sure I am still alive, but this time it stayed. I looked around and saw my room change. It now looked like some old playground.

Oh... this wasn't just any playground... this place was when you realized that I wasn't loved. My dad fought with my mother, both heading in a different direction than the other. Neither went towards the house, so I was alone. They never came back for me, but at least I had my older brother.

I walked around the area, feeling everything. It all felt how I remembered it. Then I thought, why haven't I woken yet?


Soon enough, your question was answered. You woke up but remained still. You heard someone yelling at someone. You weren't sure who, as they didn't speak, but you wanted to find out.

"You are fucking lucky we stopped your other half in time, Sundrop," you overheard a deep-voiced man speak.

"I'm sorry! Please don't get rid of us! I-It wasn't our fault!" Sun said loudly. He seemed to be pleading.

"We already gave you another chance here. But...I will give you a choice..." he said as he sighed. "You will either, have Moon decommissioned, or you close the Daycare, for about a year."

"I can't do either of those! Daniel, please! I can't pick one!" Sun said sounding even more upset than a few seconds ago.

"I guess I'll decommission you both," he said as he, supposedly, turned around. You couldn't tell, you had your eyes closed.

"I'll...close the Daycare... I can't live without Moon!" he answered. 

"Uhuh...sure..." you heard footsteps walk away. Then, you just barely heard him say, "I don't even think Fazbear's would let us do either of those anyway."

"I know you're awake, Y/N..." Sun said as you opened your eyes. "And I have a question for you."

"What is it?" You ask with a small tilt of the head.

"Did you truly enjoy Moon hurting you?"

What an end.. of the chapter... not the book, I still have plenty more to go.
And, I'll plan out the goal early. I want at least 22 chapters. Specific, I know. But whatever.

Anyways, go have a great Day/Night/Evening, my fellow weirdos!

1024 Words

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