-Chapter Eleven-

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You tried to back away from Moon. But you still held hands. And he used that to his advantage.

He gripped it tighter and pulled you close to him. He held your arm far out, having your face land into his chest.

"Gah!" you exclaimed at the sudden movement. You looked up into the red eyes that Moon had. "Would you mind letting go, please?"

"I would... after all, why should I let a pretty thing like you go run off?" Moon said lowly.

God DAYUM! That tone he used was hot. You wouldn't mind the voice he used if it weren't for the aching in your arm.

"I won't run... I promise..." you say in a slightly timid voice. You didn't want to anger him... although, that might get him to hurt you. And you still weren't sure if you even wanted the pain...

Who were you kidding?! As long as it came from Sun or Moon, you won't give a flying FUCK what pain they gave! You then decided that you would push your limits with how long it'll take for Moon to hurt you after that damned bunny did something to him.

He let go of your hand. You then brought it back to you and looked over it. Then, with a brief smirk, you turned and began to bolt out of the room. "COME AND GET ME!"

You heard him grumble as you ran off. "Get back here, you brat!"

"MAKE ME!" you turn your head around and ran. Taking a quick look at your surroundings, you could tell where you were. You did a shift here often. You knew the hiding spots everywhere here, but whether Moon did or not was the question.

You quickly scurried underneath something. As you held your breath, you heard footsteps come closer. The sound of bells jingling followed every step. And since there was one on his hat, told you that he was looking around as well. The steps stopped right behind your hiding spot. The hat bell still jingles as you assumed he tilted his head to the side repeatedly.

"I found you, my Starlight~," he said in a deep voice. Shit, that's hot. Why is he always the fucking hot one!? You knew Sun was a, as some would say, hopeless romantic. Meanwhile, Moon over here doesn't even try to be hot and yet it happens anyways! "Why don't you make this easy on the both of us and come out of the little spot, hmm?"

You hid your breath, trying to make it seem like you weren't there. You wanted to see what would happen. You knew he knew you were there, but the curiosity of what was to happen never left.

"Fine then," he said as you suddenly felt a tight grip on your shoulder.

"Mm..." you muffled the little noise. Moon didn't seem to notice, as he only grew a tighter grip.

"You lied to me. I don't like liars..." he growled. "I might have to punish you for that."

An idea came to your mind. With a small smirk on your face, you challengingly whispered, "Do it then."

Um... I will let your mind wander on what the punishment is.

I'm not saying shit about it.

Anyway, have a great Day/Night/Evening, my fellow weirdos!

555 Words

-The Pain Is Addicting- -Sun/Moon x Reader-Where stories live. Discover now