-Chapter Five-

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"No? What do you mean, no?" you asked, anger growing in your voice.

"You aren't going home. I have a question for you, actually," she said as she closed her eyes for a brief moment. You crossed your arms, waiting for her to continue. And she did. "Would you be willing to work in the Daycare?"

"What? You mean give up the job I've been working as to work with... children?" you said, the end having a feeling of disgust. You hated children. You never knew why.

Wait. That was a lie, you knew damn well why you hated kids. You used to work as a teacher, a substitute teacher, but still. Those kids were the worst. They were brutally honest, and disgusting.

"Yes. You replace your job, but! I'll give you double pay!" she said. She tried to bargain with you. "I have a friend who can easily take this job. And I've been trying to find someone that both attendants like. Sun liked most, Moon has only ever liked two. You and me."

You knew she couldn't work there. Even if she had the choice, she wouldn't. She's more on the mechanical side than the children-caring side. And yet, she was the boss here.

You sighed, "Diana, you know I hate working with children."

"I know! But please! You are the only one Moon likes (besides me)!" she begged and begged for you to go and work there.

"Shut up!" you yelled at her. And she did, looking up at you. "I will take the fucking job."

"Great! Also, Sun is very keen on keeping the rules followed," Diana said. "So, please follow these. If you don't, then you'll get a punishment. And those aren't quite fun, trust me on that."

You nodded to show her that you'll follow the rules. You figured they shouldn't be too hard to follow, they might even be similar to a school's rules. She then handed you a paper that read "Daycare Rules! Please Follow!" at the top of it.

You skimmed through the rules and they all seemed pretty normal. No swearing, that's obvious since there are kids around. No inappropriate actions or hints at. Again that is obvious.

But there was one rule that intrigued your curiosity. It read, "Keep the lights ON!" that was very clear as to what it wanted. But why would the lights need to be kept on?

"Oh, yeah, these rules are mainly for you, the kids already know them. And I'm sure you'll get the hang of it by the end of the day," she said.

"Wait. I start today?!" you said, raising your voice a bit.

"Yes, you do. And if you don't like it, I'll let you have your old job back, still going to the Daycare of course," she explained.

You gave out a small groan and headed back toward the Daycare.

"By the way! In my office, I have a uniform for you to wear!" you heard her yell out.

You gave her a thumbs up and walked to her office. Inside, you saw the box that was labeled "Daycare Uniform". You opened the box and analyzed the uniform. It looked weird, but cool at the same time.

Putting it on was, surprisingly, easy. You looked in the mirror and saw what you looked like. Shit. You looked like shit.

The outfit wasn't bad, it was the lack of proper sleep that was on your face. You hadn't been getting the right amount of sleep lately, and it showed. You groaned and grabbed some makeup that was on the shelf. You hated makeup, but this should hide the tiredness.

It worked. You looked like you had slept. You then checked the time and decided it was time to head back to the Daycare.


You saw rays jolt upward as you entered through the doors. He looked toward you and tilted his head. "I thought you had already left for home?"

"I was. Then Diana suggested I work here for today to see if I like it," you said walking to the desk. You sit down and groan.

"Is something wrong?" you heard Sun ask you.

"I'm tired. I haven't had proper sleep in a while," you told him.

He placed his hands on his hips. "Hmm. That's no good. You'll need plenty of energy around the kiddos."

"I know. I used to, kinda, teach them," Sun's eyes widened when he heard that.

"Oh! So you already know how to handle them! Good!" he cheered. "Now for the sleep issue... oh! You can rest in my room!"

"Sun, I'll be fine. Don't fucking worry about it," you covered your mouth when you realized you just swore.


Sun said it so sternly, it scared you. Well, almost. He leaned over the desk and whispered, "I'll let it slide since there aren't children here, but any more and you'll be punished. Understand?" his whole personality changed. It went from bubbly to serious in an instant. Then at the end back to bubbly. You simply gave him a nod.

He gave a quick head pat and skipped off. You looked at the list for you to do, still a small shaken from the warning. You didn't know if you should be scared of Sun being serious, or Moon being completely able to kill you in a heartbeat. If he wanted to, that is.

The list was pretty straightforward. To sum it up, care for the kids, don't lose the kids, and help Sun/the children with anything. Along with cleaning up after the children left.

You shrugged. It seemed doable. And considering you've handled rowdy children before, then this should be easy for you, right?

Suddenly, you heard the sound of laughter and cheerful screaming. They emerged from the ball pit after they entered it. When the last kid exited, they all ran around.

Very few stopped to look at you. When they did, other kids came and looked at you with each other. They stared at you with confusion.

"I see you met our new friend!" Sun cheerfully yelled as he came out of nowhere. They all crowded the desk, not getting close enough to touch it though. This must be one of their rules. "Now my friends, if we wanted them to stay we must be VERY kind and make them welcome!"

Smiles were planted on their faces. They all immediately wanted to play a game with you. You felt a tad overwhelmed, but it's fine.

"I wanna play with them first!"

"No! I wanna!"

"I call dibs on the first play!"

They all yelled at each other. Then an idea came to your head. "Why don't we all play Hide 'n Seek?"

They gasped and shook their heads signaling a yes. "Alright, who do you want to find us?"

They all murmured and then most turned to face Sun. With their fingers pointed outward, their option became clear.

You looked at Sun and only gave a smile. He was more than happy to be the seeker. He then covered his eyes and began to count.

You felt someone grab your hand and you saw it was a small girl. "Let's hide together. I know the best spot."

Long chapter this time! Hope it was fun.

Now, with nothing else to say, go have a great Day/Night/Evening, my fellow weirdos!

1234 Words

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