-Chapter Six-

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You and the girl entered an entirely dark spot. It had no lights on whatsoever. Even if Sun came here, it's not like he could even walk inside. He's not made to be in the dark. Although, Moon is. Based on what occurred yesterday, and what you were told, he isn't nice. And you were pretty positive this was breaking the rules. Just not YOUR rules.

"Mr. Sun never told us your name," she said out of a sudden.

"Oh, I'm Y/N. What's your name?" you asked her.

"Well, I'm Lyn. And I'm... 9," she said as she smiled at you.

You both then went quiet as the sound of bells was soon heard nearby.

"Lyn? Are you breaking the rules again?" Sun said in a mild silly tone. There was some seriousness to it.

Lyn stayed quiet. A sigh was soon heard, "If you come out, I'll give you a plushie of your choice."

She jumped up quietly. She grew excited. Lyn turned toward you and pulled you up with her. Then, the two of you walked out of the room.

"Oh! You were hiding with Y/N?" he said with a goofy smile. Lyn nodded and began to bounce on her heels. "A promise is a promise. Come on."

Lyn followed after Sun. Still dragging you with her. When Sun got to where the Plushies were, she immediately ran to the only Moon plush on the shelf. She hugged it and whispered, "I miss seeing you, Mr. Moon," to it.

"Don't you have enough of those already?" the three of you turn around to see who spoke. It was your boss, Diana.

"Aunty!" Lyn happily yelled as she jumped into Diana's arms. "Do I have to head home now?"

"Sorry, sweetheart, your mama needs you," Diana said. Lyn grew sad.

She turned her head to look at you and Sun. "Bye Bye!"

"Bye Lyn. Will she be back tomorrow?" Sun said talking to Lyn at first, then asking Diana a question.

"She should be, yes," your boss answered. She then looked at you. "At the end of your shift, come see me."

You nodded as she then left.


The rest of the day was... interesting. You watched all the kids tackle Sun and pour glitter glue all over him. That'd be fun to clean.

Somehow, they pulled at one of his rays hard enough to get it pulled out of his head. The amount of discomfort that was in his eyes hurt you for some reason.

Soon enough, it was time for all the kids to be picked up. You waved them all goodbye. Some of the adults wanted to talk with you as they had some "complaints" about Sun. You made sure to keep them in mind but made no actual action about it.

"Sun!" you yelled for him. He popped his head out from behind a slide. His hands were on the ray that was messed up, trying to get it back in. "Let me help with that."

You went up to him and gripped his ray. Using any, and all, strength you could muster up, you were able to shove it back into place.

"Thank you," he said.

"It's no problem," you said with a closed-eye smile. "Now I just need to clean you."

"That isn't necessary! I can do it myself, and besides, you need to get some sleep," he made a great point.

But you were getting paid to clean him, so you needed to. However, the moment you stepped closer, Sun pushed you toward the door. "Please, go home and sleep."

"Fine..." you said as you walked off. It's not like you could immediately. Diana wanted to see you, so you needed to see her first.

Sorry if it was kind of boring, I tried.

Anyway, please go do what Sun said and sleep at some point today. And! Go have a great Day/Night/Evening, my fellow weirdos!

661 Words

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