-Chapter Eighteen-

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You walked into her office and waited for her. You knew she was there, as the head feeling was there.

"Alright, you're here now," you heard Diana say as she walked out of a connected room. "You know this place pretty well, so I need you to help Vanessa with something."

"What would that be, Boss?" Diana made eye contact as you asked that. Her eyes... they were a dullish purple. She's far too gone, and you know that.

"There's a kid running around. Help find him, and when you do, hand him to Vanessa as she's more equipped with handling lost kids," she said with some hand jesters. You knew what Vanessa did. You had done it once. Just once, and you now regret it. At first you didn't, but things have changed.

"Of course, what do they look like?" you asked.

"The kid's a little boy, and from what I've seen and heard, he has a blue shirt, cackies, red shoes, and a bandage on his face for some reason. Do you understand what he looks like?" Diana said with a question at the end.

"Yes, I understand. I'll begin to help search," you said as you nodded slightly.

She then ushered you out the door, telling you to begin in your usual areas.


There has been no sign of this kid. You can't figure out whether that's a good thing or a bad thing. Right now, you are just now entering the daycare. And, thing is, you heard Sun talking with someone.

You slid down the slide, and when you got up, you saw a kid. He matched the simple description you were given.

Sun stared at you with joy. Meanwhile, the kid stared at you with fear. He began to walk away slowly.

"Hey, I won't hurt you," you crouched down enough to where your eyes, kind of, met his.  He stopped moving away from you and just looked between you and Sun with slight fear.

"I don't believe you," he said.

"That's understandable. I'm an adult, and you're a kid by yourself," you said to him as you tried to get him to not leave. He eyed the door a lot, making you worry he'll leave. If he leaves, then Vanny might find him. Meaning he'll die.

"How do I know you aren't like the blonde one?" he asked cautiously.

"Well, for one, I work with kids personally, I'd never hurt them. And two, I'm not trying to hunt you down," you answered.

He stood there, finally looking you in the eyes longer than before. He didn't look at the door, which meant he might not leave. Then, after a few silent minutes, he stepped forward.

"So, what's your name, kid?" Sun asked.

"Gregory. What's yours?" Gregory asked the both of you.

"I'm Y/N, and this is Sun," you answered.

Gregory looked as though he was about to say something, but you backed away, placing your hands over the eye you covered. Sun and Gregory looked at you with concern and worry.

You mumbled a small profanity. It wasn't heard. Then, you fell down, making Sun run over to you to make sure you were okay. Gregory followed along, mainly because he had already begun to trust you.

"Sunshine, are you ok?" Sun asked in a panicked voice.

You only shook your head, no. Words couldn't be made, and you felt pain. Not the pain that Moon had given, no. This pain was painful, it doesn't give an odd sense of joy. Then, you began to let out a strained out muffled scream. You held your mouth shut as you didn't want the noise to escape.

Soon enough, your muffled screaming stopped. The pain subsided. You felt... numb... almost as if you weren't in your own head. But, instead, your head felt glitched. You tried to fight for your own head and succeed.

You stood up and began to walk away. Sun and Gregory also stood up. Sun spoke to you, "Y/N? Where are you going?"

He seemed to begin to follow you. You turned and said, "Don't follow. I have to be alone for a bit." In a harsh-like tone. You then walked away before they could speak to you again.


I have nothing to say, apart from... Have a great Day/Night/Evening, my fellow weirdos!

728 Words

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