-Chapter Sixteen-

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"Lamby? Are you here?"

You froze up even more. Her voice was... haunting. Based on what you had just read, things were going to go horrible.

Here it begins... the odd feeling in your head when she's around. You can't be around her long, or else... well, you'll be like her. Since you now know what causes the feeling and what will end up happening, you just need to find out how to stop it.

It's not even been a complete day with you like this, and you regret it. You hear her footsteps fade, the feeling going away. Once you were sure she was gone, you crawled back out. You went to the computer to see if there was any more information to read about. None. There isn't any more. And it's not as though you can type anything because Vanny will find out, and then she'll tell Glitchtrap. You can't tell Sun or Moon about it because you don't know what they could do about it.

Suddenly, another thought came to mind. Glitchtrap said he had a way to make you live forever. Even if it were false, what was his idea? Death? You didn't want to linger too much on it, as you could easily forget where you were and get found. You then checked the time.

You needed to head back. Why did you even head here? Right. To see what was wrong with Moon. Well, that was fixed. You were positive. After all, you did just do a quick check, and it said so. With a small sigh, you leave the room. You needed to be careful. You didn't know where Vanessa was. And if she found you... shit might happen.


You made it to the daycare. You walked inside and tried to find where Sun was. Sun was out since the lights were still on.

If you wanted to, you could just do your nightguard job, but then again... Sun would get more upset with you. He'd probably be upset as it is because of how long you've been gone.

You sat on the ground as you stared at the balcony above the ball bit. Sun and/or Moon was your only way of getting up there. And up there was the room you've been sleeping in. You thought for a minute, then decided to look around for something.

Soon enough, a sturdy bar that coincidentally had loops on it was in your hands. You walked to the computer and opened up the program that allowed the wire to be called down. You pressed the button, and the wire came down. You then walked over and attached the wire to the bar. With a secure grip, the wire went up and brought you over to the balcony. When you landed, the wire automatically detached and went back into the ceiling. That was cool.

You walked in the room and saw Sun sitting on the bed coloring something.

"Sun?" Sun looked at you with surprise and confusion

He sat up and asked, "How did you get up here?"

"I was smart and used this to help me with the wire," you told him as you showed the bar you had used. He seemed impressed.

"I'm very upset that you weren't back sooner," he said with a childish pout.

"Sorry, I got a little lost," you said as you rubbed the back of your neck.

"Aren't you a nightguard?" Sun asked.

"Vanessa took me somewhere that I haven't been to a lot," you explained. "And she really needed to talk to me about how I felt with my double shift."

"Why does she need to know that?" Sun wondered.

"Diana asked her to check on all the employees that work after-hours about certain things she needed to know about," you said with no hesitance. The only reason you'd have hesitance is because of the fact that this was a lie. A fairly obvious one, at that.

"That's understandable. Ms. Diana doesn't stay after-hours to see the other employees often," he actually believed your lie. Either he was too oblivious to it, or he just went along with it. Either way, at least you didn't have to explain more.

Well... that was what you thought. You turned away to go and get yourself cleaned up, as you hadn't in about a day, but Sun asked you a question...

That question is, "Sunshine, why are you wearing a mask and covering your eye?"

Oh man, I wonder how you'll respond to that...

Hehe... sorry if this felt like a mess, I was tired on a school night, so...

Anyway, please go ahead and have a great Day/Night/Evening, my fellow weirdos!

788 Words

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